10 IT Manager Performance Review Affirmations

For employees, a Performance Review can be a nervous time. But you know what, it can be for IT Managers too!

In my article ’10 Performance Review Affirmations’ I discussed why Performance Reviews are very important elements of personal development, and most employees in a corporate environment are subjected to them, managers too. What I’ve noticed from interactions with managers in IT is that many don’t feel well equipped or experienced enough to conduct reviews properly.

Just because we are a subject of a Performance Review, it doesn’t mean we can competently conduct them!

I don’t think there is enough training and guidance offered to managers to build their skills and sensitivity in order to conduct reviews/appraisals, in general. Some managers don’t even know why they are conducting them, or don’t buy into the process. No wonder some managers are more nervous (or disengaged) than their employee.

Here are 10 ‘affirmations’ for IT managers to remind and reinforce the purpose of Performance Reviews, and the focus is on the employee… but also on the manager too. Managers who I have observed as gurus in conducting reviews see this as a learning experience and an opportunity to receive feedbackfor themself.

1. Your Employee’s Performance Review is for Feedback, Not Criticism
2. Your Employee’s Performance Review is for Your Personal Development, too
3. Your Employee’s Performance Review is a Learning Experience
4. Your Employee’s Performance Review is an Investment In Your Employee
5. Your Employee’s Performance Review is Your Opportunity to Share Your Vision for the Future
6. Your Employee’s Performance Review sets S.M.A.R.T. Objectives for the Future
7. Your Employee’s Performance Review References Examples of Your Behavior
8. Your Employee’s Performance Review is a Two-Way Street
9. Your Employee’s Performance Review Gives You Confidence to Progress, together
10. Your Employee’s Performance Review is as Important to Your Employee as it is to You

Also, check out this post from Dan McArthy who writes about ‘How to Write a Great Individual Development Plan (IDP)’ on his blog Great Leadership. Dan offers great advice on how to construct a plan to set goals for employee development. The context of the article is in the eyes of the employee, but you can easily turn this into a management tool for yourself.

I find that many managers in IT focus on technology, and set goals according to technical achievement, without addressing behavioral competencies – do you do this too? If so, Dan’s guidance may give you a framework to set softer goals with your employees.

Here is one other link I want to share, if you didn’t see it in my post ’10 Performance Review Affirmations’: Maureen Collins writes about  ‘When You are Appraising Performance Get the Facts Right’, a critical point when performing reviews with employees. If we don’t deal with facts and work just off opinion during a Performance Review, then the Performance Review will certainly shift from objective conversation to defensive argument and makes the whole review pointless.

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