The “Morale” Of The Story…

Morale is a massive part of any organisation. It is the underlying thread throughout office culture and can dictate productivity, turnover, and cooperation.

If you have noticed in recent months that the office doesn’t have the same sense of “zest” or maybe there’s just less laughter echoing around the halls, you may need to think of some ways to inject a few methods to improve and strengthen morale. Here are a couple of strategies to try.

Find Out If Your Employees Feel Valued

In the modern business world, increasing the amount of employees and stellar demand means that we are more likely to feel a sense of isolation from our fellow work colleagues. The value of your employees cannot be underestimated, and you should make time to value them in whichever way you see fit. But if there is something underlying, it could be the result of something you might be doing wrong. You can implement employee assistance programmes to help a specific employee overcome personal problems. And in the context of the workplace, it is your duty of care as their employer to see that they are well in themselves. Of course, you have an interest as far as work is concerned, but their wellbeing has a great impact on their ability to work.

Do They Need To Re-energise?

One of the things you can do as a boss is to grant time off for employees who wish to develop certain skills or pursue certain passion projects. This works as a way for them to develop a skill that would benefit your company, such as a foreign language that will help build overseas contacts, and it allows them time away to get reinvigorated. As well as this, giving your employees time to develop some creative skills within the company framework can bring up some excellent ideas that you might be able to use as springboards for new projects or improvements on processes, which can result in improved productivity or workload.

Will A Change Do You Good?

Morale sometimes means a change, and if you can’t afford to give your employees time away, then mixing up the office environment is something you can do without shaking up the status quo. It doesn’t have to be anything trite like a fancy-dress day, but something as basic as moving people around into different areas of the building could foster new friendships or working relationships, and give employees a different perspective of the company.

Enjoy Yourself!

If you dread coming into a boring atmosphere, with sullen faces and drab settings, then it’s time to make the place somewhere a bit more exciting. If the fun has gone from the office, you need to find a way to bring it back, and while a lot of people are against the idea of “enforced fun” it makes sense to put the ball in their court and pick things to do that they will enjoy. Whether this is a social drink to table tennis, try and put some fun back into the proceedings!

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