Home Office Revolution: Design Tips You Need To Consider

We’re just at the beginning of the work from home revolution because more and more people will find themselves doing it. Flexible working is on the rise, freelancing is on the up and up and the Internet of Things has the chance to make almost all business operations managed from anywhere. 

Having a home office requires a few considerations. After all, you’ll be spending upward of thirty-five hours a week in this room, so it needs to be primed, ready and distraction free. This means that you will start looking for ways to maximise your space and comfort at home; probably even going to the extent of considering loft conversions to free up more space, among other options. To help you with this I have come up with a list of essentials things to consider when it comes to designing your home office.

The Right Room

Where it comes to choosing which room to set up in, you may not have the freedom of choice. It is usually the attic, the basement or the spare bedroom. If you are fortunate enough to have choice on your side, though, you want somewhere that offers space, privacy, quiet and light. They will all increase your productivity and comfort. 

The Desk And Chair

There is no such thing as spending too much when it comes to your desk and chair. It is an investment that will be worth every penny, because it will allow you to work more comfortably for more sustained periods of time, while also ensuring you don’t suffer in the long run (yup, we mean back pain). What you want is a desk that is big enough to fit everything you need on and an ergonomic chair that is not just adjustable but perfect. 

The Perfect Lighting

The more natural light the better. Don’t worry if you are in a room with only one window either because you can use mirrors and light colored walls to maximize the impact this solo window has. It is also worth speaking to a professional electricians outfit, such as www.baileypollock.co.uk, who specialize in all things home-office. They will be able to help you get the right lighting setup when it comes to those short winter days, as well as being effective when it comes to working late. 

The Air Flow

Fresh air is so important when it comes to improving your concentration and thus your productivity. The obvious way to ensure this is to open the window and the door to create a nice air flow. If you are still struggling, it is worth getting an Air Con unit. This will ensure you aren’t too hot in those summer months and make the temperature more consistent. Remember, comfort is absolutely key to your success.

The Personalization

This is your office and that means you can personalize it to your tastes. It could be that you want to have a cork wall to help your plan better. Maybe you want some easy to look after houseplants to create the ideal setting. Hanging some art to your taste from the walls is another great way to keep your morale high. This is where you are going to spend the majority of your time, so make sure it is somewhere that brightens up your day and feels less like work.

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