What are the perfect jobs for introverts?

A Guest Post by Olivia Ryan

Being an introvert, I had my share of doubts concerning the future profession and career. Ever since I was a little girl, people kept telling me that I should become a lawyer, a businessman, or even a doctor. But I just couldn’t see myself that way as it seemed like these professions bring too much noise and frenzy, while all I wanted was a peaceful workplace.

So I started exploring this subject and learned very soon that introverts make around one-half of the world’s population. And all of us probably share the same problem when choosing the most suitable career. That’s why I decided to analyze this issue a little deeper and describe the perfect jobs for introverts.

Who are introverts?

Although most people think of introverts as shy persons, this is not exactly the truth. Genuine introverts are simply individuals who are preoccupied with personal feelings and self-reflection. We avoid large groups and tend to minimize communication with strangers. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we are shy – we just prefer being alone than spending time with other people, especially the ones we don’t really know.

People should not judge each other according to personality characteristics such as being an introvert or an extrovert because all of them have different traits and qualities. I will name here a few traits that introverts develop much better than the average extrovert. They are:

  • Good listeners
  • Thoughtful
  • Creative
  • Pay attention to details
  • Analytical
  • Prefer working in small groups
  • Wait for other people to approach them
  • Don’t enjoy self-promotion

You’ve probably learned by now what it means to be an introvert. But if you are still not sure whether you belong to the introvert group or not, you can also do a quick test to find out.

Ideal jobs for introverts

We all tend to choose jobs according to our personal preferences. When it comes to introverts, there are a lot of positions that match our characteristics. I decided to present you only the most suitable options but keep in mind that there are many other jobs outside of this list that you can perform successfully.

  • Data scientist: One of the trendiest and most profitable professions nowadays is ideal for quiet individuals. Introverts who are proficient in big data analysis will surely enjoy their jobs in solitude.
  • Artist: Can you imagine a better role for the loner than being a writer or a painter? It gives you the chance to introspect and create new worlds from the inside.
  • Architect: Working as an architect, you only need your computer and occasional consultations with your colleagues.
  • Plumber: You get to meet all sorts of people but not in large groups. Plumbers have many one-on-one conversations but most of the time they work alone.
  • Librarian: Self-observers who work as librarians may never want to leave their workplace. This is the perfect place for you to meet people who share similar interests and also to read a lot when you don’t have too much work to do.
  • Private investigator: It gives you the opportunity to analyze people and events, which is something that suits curious introverts the most.
  • Social Media Manager: This position is great for creative persons who can always come up with clever answers. It’s a long-distance job in which you don’t have to meet strangers. Instead, you simply communicate with them.
  • Laboratory technician: Precise analysis, clean environment, and calm atmosphere are what make this profession attractive to introverts. And you get to work with people who probably love this type of atmosphere, too.
  • Professor: Although this means that you have to address larger audiences, being a teacher or a professor is actually perfect for introverts. You can determine the topic and lecture students about the things that you truly love and appreciate.
  • App developer: This is another modern profession that requires hi-tech expertise but also allows you to work alone from your office or the living room.
  • Designer: Introverts are usually full of interesting ideas and pay attention to details. That’s what makes them adequate for all sorts of jobs in design: fashion, graphic, interior, etc.
  • Car mechanic: Skillful loners often look at their cars as best friends and they enjoy fixing things in the comfort of their garages.
  • Blogger: Many introverts are good with words and know how to write interesting posts about everyday situations. If you also have expertise in another field, you can make it a solid basis for the successful blog.
  • Translator: All those years of introspection, reading, and writing help many brooders to learn new languages, which is something that you could use to become a translator.
  • Accountant: Working as an accountant, you will surround yourself with documents and the numbers will speak for themselves. You can do everything on your own and don’t have to meet a lot of people on a daily basis.
  • Psychologist: This is an obvious one. Introverts are thoughtful and great listeners, which makes them the best material for future psychologists.
  • Social service worker: Introverts never lack empathy and they are always willing to help other people. You may as well make a career out of it and professionally assist people in solving their private issues.
  • Truck driver: It’s just you and the highway and perhaps some nice music in the background. Long haul drivers have all time they need for self-reflection.
  • Biologist: A lot of loners consider plants and animals to be more interesting than people. If you think so too, maybe you should consider becoming a biologist.
  • Sailor: Endless sea and the sky above you create an ideal atmosphere for contemplation in solitude.

You can see that most of these jobs don’t exclude interpersonal communication from everyday activities. On the contrary, solid communication skills are often an important precondition if you want to build your career in these fields. Just like I mentioned earlier – introverts are not shy, they simply prefer being alone most of the time. But if it’s necessary to engage in face-to-face conversations, rest assured that introverts will do it smoothly.


Introverts are individuals who appreciate a peaceful atmosphere at work and enjoy jobs that give them the opportunity to do things thoroughly and quietly. They are the masters of introspection but also possess the talent to analyze other people precisely. In this article, I described the most important traits of an introvert and gave you an overview of the best jobs for this type of personality. My personal experience helped me to understand this topic much better and if you have other valuable observations – don’t hesitate to share them with us in comments.

About author: Olivia is a young journalist who is passionate about career, recruitment and self-development. She constantly tries to learn something new and share this experience on AussieWritings.com service as well as on other relevant websites.



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