Making an Impact at Your Next Public Appearance

Public appearances are critical when you’re trying to grow a business or promote a new product. It’s an opportunity for networking, to expose your brand and to get samples into the customer’s hands so they can write and talk about it. Being covered by the media is another great reason to attend a trade event or exhibition, but you need to know how to make an impact.

Building up anticipation before social media

If you have a fantastic community manager that is capable of using social media properly, then you’ll be surprised at how big of an effect a small promotional campaign can make. By simply using social media to build up excitement and anticipation before the event, you could convince many people to stop by at your booth or even visit the event just to see what you have to offer or show. Generating excitement is a fantastic way to bring more attention to your brand, and social media is the perfect platform to do so. However, make sure that you can back up any claims you make on social media or else you’ll disappoint the visitors and worsen your relationship with consumers.

Use competition and small events to build excitement

Start up a competition on social media or gather people around to participate in some kind of small event at your booth. With the promise of prizes, you’ll draw in plenty of people even if they don’t know what it is you’re offering. You can even look into large format cheque printing if you want to hand out monetary prizes for the winners. The more people you can get to participate in your small events or competitions, the more exposure you’ll get and the more attention you’ll receive on social media.

Make your booth attractive

Do you have design plans for your booth? If not, then it’s a good idea to hire a designer or someone who is capable of adding some much-needed style to your appearance. Print out posters, large logos or banners to attract attention, and think about what kind of furniture arrangements you want. Make your visitors feel welcome and ensure that all of your equipment works. If you’re showing off your latest prototype, then having it break down with no backup is perhaps the worst thing that could happen. Ensure you’re using high-quality materials to construct your booth and always have a plan B for when things go wrong.

Brush up on your conversational skills

The more approachable you are, the more chance there is that you’ll be noticed by the media. Practice some charisma skills so that when the media approaches you, you don’t appear awkward or unqualified to be interviewed. You want to be able to network with anyone that walks past or shows an interest in your company, and you want to be prepared with plenty of knowledge for when people ask you questions.

Making an impact at an event is a combination of these four tips. By focusing on these important points, you’re more likely to leave a lasting impression the next time you make a public appearance.

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