We Need To Talk About Marketing Your Small Business Online

When you’ve got something good, you want to shout about it from the rooftops, and that is exactly the function that marketing performs for your company. It’s all about getting the right people to hear about your product to increase the chances of the buying it. Traditionally, this was done with magazine, radio, and television campaigns. Yet, more and more it is becoming about your business’ online presence. With this in mind read on to find out the best way to get your small business online marketing game up to scratch.

Unless you have the skills in-house, or easily available, learning and applying the methods and tools to build your online presence isn’t straightforward. Websites and social presence can be tough to build, without experts. There are many online resources to develop these skills, and you can also search your local area to discover who in your city can support you in building your website and social media channels.

Social media

Social media marketing is a fantastic way of reaching a huge audience with your product. However, you do need to know how to do it right for maximum impact. That means using strategies like posting at the right times and avoiding things like auto posting. After all, part of the appeal of social media is the personal touch, something that automatised posts can endanger.

It’s also vital to be on the right sites when using social media as a marketing tool. Facebook is a must for any small business, as is Twitter. Don’t forget Pinterest too though, as this site has a particularly high sales closures compared to the others.


Something else that is vital for successful online marketing for small business is the content that you put out there. Steer clear from obvious product promotions of the most part, and instead use online marketing to provide something for nothing to your potential clients. A trick that many marketing companies have learned to use to its full potential. This something maybe in the form of advice with how to posts, and guides, or entertainment with game and videos. In fact, some of the best marketing does both.

Of course, while it feels if potential clients are getting something for nothing, what you are really doing is providing them with a strong incentive to use their time to explore your brand and product. Something that will pay off later on when you try to close the sale. This makes having great content vital for successful online marketing.  


Every successful company has a website these days, but did you know that it should be more than just an online base of operations? In fact, the quality of your website is a crucial element in the success of your online marketing campaign.

This is because great websites are not just shop fronts, they do all sorts of other vital marketing roles as well. One of these is to filter customers at different levels of readiness into buying a product. This can be done through their structure, content, and carefully placed calls to action, as well as timed offers.  

Also, your website is a vital part of any SEO marketing strategy you have online. This is because the titles, headings, keywords, and images that you have on your site all contribute to how high you are placed in the natural rankings online. Something that is of extreme importance when you realize that fewer than 30% of all Internet users go beyond the first page when they are looking for a product or a service. Making it a vital element of your online marketing campaign to get right.

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