Why Private Jets Are Likely to Become More Affordable and Accessible in the Future

It goes without saying that technology is advancing at a rapid rate, which means our ways of travelling are reaching vast new heights. So what does this mean for the future of air travel? Could elite methods of flying, such as a private jet, become an affordable and accessible mode of transport for all types of travellers?

Below, we take a look at why private air travel is changing dramatically and why you could be booking your own jet in the not too distant future:

Added Flexibility

Thanks to these technological advances, the way we approach travel has changed somewhat in recent years. Now almost everything we need is available at the touch of a button, which is why many businesses have been forced to accommodate this idea of on-demand, flexible travel.

One only has to look at the fact that Uber has more than 40 million active monthly users across the world to see that this flexibility in travel is important. Their business model incorporated a simple ordering service, cheaper fares and an easy payment process, while also providing users with added security through their tracking process and rating services (for both passengers and drivers).

However, this app hasn’t just revolutionised taxi services as its impact is now being witnessed throughout the entire travel industry. Other modes of travel, including air, are adopting a very similar model to try and entice their increasingly-connected customers. For example, private jet companies like Victor now offer their users an app to book their private jets, so passengers no longer have to worry about ringing up to try and arrange their flights.

Thanks to mobile apps, it’s now easier than ever to access high-end travel.

Greater Affordability

These apps aren’t just adding to the ease with which you can book travel, but they’re also presenting customers with the opportunity to seek out the best deals.

Since aviation began, private air travel has had the reputation of only being available for the rich and famous. However, with fares now starting to decrease, this is no longer the case. For example, travellers can fly at a fraction of the price when they enjoy what’s called an ‘empty leg flight’. These allow customers to book a single journey with a private jet that may have only been booked one way and would be travelling back to the hub without any passengers.

Private jet apps now allow consumers to find and book these types of flights from all over the world, from New York to Dubai.

As high-end travel becomes more accessible and innovative, it looks like the future of air travel will be right at our fingertips. Not only that, but private jets are perhaps going to become the go-to places to get the best possible deals.

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