7 Top Tips For Hiring The Best Person For Your Business

In order to feed your company’s productivity, you need to make sure that you are hiring the right people for your business. However, this is easier said than done. The whole hiring process can be a challenging and time consuming one. From writing the advert; placing an advert in the local press, reading endless application letters, calling people in for interview, interviewing people and so on. It is not a process that can be done overnight, but it is an important one that will help you improve your company’s productivity.

Hiring the right person can have a massive impact on your business. They can help enhance your company, contribute to a positive working culture, they can help move your business forward and support you. On the other-hand the wrong employee could spell the end for your business. Therefore, how can you be sure that you are hiring the right person? Don’t worry, you don’t all need to go out and hire a private detective to dig around in a potential employee’s life. The following simple tips will help you hire the best person for your business.

Tip 1 – Make Sure That You Are Clear On The Job Role

This might seem obvious but you would be surprised at the number of employers who make this basic mistake. If you aren’t clear on the role then you probably will hire the wrong person. You need to define the role. Look at what the day to day duties for the role will be. Then analyze the skills this person will need to ensure that they can do the role well. What are the necessary skills/qualifications that they will need for the role and what are the skills that are desirable for the role? You should then use this information to draw up a job description. You can then send this out to potential candidates. This job description can also act as ymy guidelines for when you are conducting your interviews. Tick off the relevant skills that they have as you interview them.

Tip 2 – Come Up With A Recruitment Strategy

Decide how and where you will advertise. Keep a record of how successful it is. If you find that you are struggling then you might want to consider hiring a recruitment consultant. A good recruitment consultant will be able to help you source the best employees for your company. You will be able to talk with the recruitment consultant about what the most important qualifications for the employee are, the traits you would like them to have, and the work experience that you would like them to have too.  

Tip 3 – Read Those Application Letters Carefully

You need to read those application letters, cross-referencing it against the job description. You should then come up with a shortlist of people who would like to interview. If you find that you have a rather long shortlist then conducting a phone interview first might be a sensible option. That way you can whittle down your shortlist and invite those people in for interview. Use the phone interview as an opportunity to check that they are happy with the salary and that are clear on the expectations of the role.

Tip 5 – Check Those References

No matter how amazing an interview someone gives, you don’t promise them a job until you have checked their references. You will want to check the references from the last place that they worked, and the person providing the reference should be the immediate line-manager. Depending on the job you might also want to run some other checks. Sometimes a credit check might be relevant, and you might also want to check their qualifications.

Tip 6 – Face to Face Interview

As well as ticking them off against the job description you need to be thinking about how they are engaging with you. How do they present themselves? How do they come across? How well prepared was the person for the interview? Did they do any research about brand? Do they seem enthusiastic and hardworking? How well do you think they will fit in with your company and can you see them adding value to your company as a whole? If you have any concerns then you shouldn’t be offering them the job. However, it is also worth bearing in mind that you finding someone who ticks every single box is also unlikely. You will probably have to compromise somewhere but you need to make sure that it is a compromise you are happy to make.

Tip 7 – Put The Job Offer In Writing

You will want to formalize the job offer by putting it in writing. The letter should confirm the job title, salary, hours, benefits and notice requirements. If there is a trial period then that should be mentioned too.

Finding the right person for your company can be stressful but these tips really should help ease the process.

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