5 Things You’re Getting Wrong With Your Website and How to Fix Them

A business website should be virtually flawless. It should be something that you present to your audience so that they can get a good first impression of your company, not something that is barely held together with poorly-written lines of code and terrible stock photos that don’t make sense. While it’s common to outsource your web design, we believe that before you even decide to find a freelancer to help you out, you’ll need to identify the problems with your current website and the mistakes you make so they don’t happen again.

  1. Your website takes ages to load

How long does it take to load up your website? Is it just a matter of seconds, or does it take over a minute to load certain things on your pages? You may want to look at website optimization especially if there are a lot of elements on your page or JavaScript code being used for certain features. You generally want to prioritize faster loading over features unless they’re crucial to your website. In that case, you may want to look for smarter ways to let your audience know about your loading times or at least look for ways to speed up the time it takes.

  1. Your website isn’t built for SEO

If you don’t know what SEO is then you may want to quickly hire web marketing services to help you. SEO, also known as search engine optimization, is a series or strategies that will help you get your website noticed on the internet. It uses a combination of keywords, original content and smart link building in order to make your pages rank higher on search engines such as Google.

  1. Your website doesn’t work on mobile

Many web users use their phones to access the internet now, so if you’re not building your website with mobile in mind, you’re going to be losing out on many customers. Focus on building your website for mobile users as well as desktop users. Test your website on many different phones and browsers to ensure compatibility across the board.

  1. Your website is a pain to browse

You may want to take a quick look at website navigation tips before you design anything. It’s important for traffic to flow easily and painlessly through your website if you want people to find the information, services or products they’re looking for with ease. Make sure you’re being descriptive on your website but don’t hide links and important menu navigation buttons.

  1. Your website makes no sense

And lastly, does your website make any sense? This sounds like a strange question but there’s a good reason for it. Every website should have a purpose. Whether it’s to advertise your services, sell your products or even just raise awareness about your business. If your website doesn’t seem to have a purpose then it’s time to either give it one or stop pouring resources into it and just make it a simple website with your contact information and business message.

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