5 Things that Will Make You Website Better

Focusing on design is not something that can objectively bring you more customers and visitors. The thing is every person on this planet has a definitive unique perception of the world around meaning that creating a website that will cater to all in virtually impossible. There will always be unhappy ones. However, there are some things that can dramatically improve the efficiency of your webpages.

Implementing videos is one of them. People love watching stuff. This is how YouTube got popular in the first place. Vine, Instagram, Reddit, all of those huge websites have their own vide services while the significance of Twitch.tv and YouTube is impossible to undervalue. Videos can help in showcasing products and services or just getting a message out there.

A good video can make your guests stay for longer improving so-called bounce rate (the amount of time it took for a user to leave a website) and making your website more respectable from the Google’s point of view. There are various ways to make your website more engaging. However, you must focus on something that will definitely make it better. Design has been discussed millions times before! Here is a good example of an article about UX, UI, and visuals that should be implemented in any website that wants to have attention from users.

Here is where we start talking about actual techniques and not some vague matters. These are 5 core points of interest that you should be paying attention to in order to improve your website.

#1. Align your goals.

The website must correspond with your business tasks and solve them in the most efficient way. During the planning stage, you must know why you are creating a website and what goals it must accomplish.

#2. Approach design smartly.

Make sure that colors, fonts, and decorations actually mirror your business goals and philosophy. A website is a way to express yourself and your values. Hire a good designer capable of making various design elements mesh together well.

#3. Use the 2 clicks rule.

Remember that you want that retention and bounce rates. This means that navigation and the interface must be top notch. Every important page must be accessible after only two clicks. Users do not want to sort out how to get information. They want to make two clicks and have it. Cater to desires of your audience.

#4. Ensure high performance.

Both your internet provider and web hosting must provide exceptional levels of quality. You can choose the best web hosting service here. Make sure that your website is situated on a well-secured stable server with high uptime.

#5. Don’t forget about content.

While usability and stability are undeniable cornerstones of any website, content is just as important. Make sure that texts are easy to understand, all information is accompanied with images or videos, and users can quickly acquire necessary data.

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