4 Affordable Ways to Boost Your Business Website’s SEO Fast

On average, Google gets 67,747 searches per second (Internet Live Stats), the majority of them coming from mobile devices. It’s no wonder that SEO is priority for over 61% of marketers (HubSpot) and your business should definitely be among them. While hiring a specialized SEO agency is definitely nice, the majority of small businesses cannot afford this. However, there are ways to boost SEO fast that you can do even with a limited budget. These include changing your hosting, increasing the quality (and length) of content, and optimizing visuals.

How to Boost Small Business Website SEO Fast: 4 Essential Steps

1.     Post better and bigger content pieces

What are your customers looking for in your content?

They’re looking for value, and it’s imperative to provide it at both the product/service description pages and your blog. According to Moz, long-form content with over 1,000 words gets more shares and likes, and Backlinko states that the average length of articles on the first page of Google results is 1,890 words.

This means that your content must be not only top-quality, but also quite big. You don’t have to make every post like this, but large pieces should be a regular fixture. If you can’t generate a lot of content yourself, the most affordable way is to hire freelance writers. You should also try to attract high-quality guests posts as this will also help you network.

2.     Switch to a better hosting

Do you wonder exactly how does web hosting affect SEO?

It does so through the security and performance of your website. It’s the quality of your host that’s largely responsible for the page loading speed, and Google prioritizes it when ranking websites. Before switching your host, take time to analyze the best hosting options for small businesses.

You also need to use secure HTTPS servers and find a host offering the best cybersecurity features. This will both improve your SEO (HTTPS websites are ranked higher by default) and protect you from possible penalties and great losses that will come if your website gets hacked.

3.     Prioritize long-tail keywords

What’s the average length of your Google searches?

According to HubSpot, over 50% of searches are 4+ words. This number has been steadily growing as Google protocols advance and people get a chance to fine-tune their results by entering detailed queries.

Optimizing your pages for such long-tail keywords will Boost a small business website SEO immediately. Your main task is to choose the words wisely. Do this with the help of Google’s own tool AdWords.

4.     Optimize your visuals

What are the format and size of the images on your website? Did you know that they affect the page loading speed as well as SEO?

Much like the web hosting, non-optimized images might bring down the page loading speed. This drops your Google ranking right away, so you must use specialized tools to resize and, if necessary, reformat the visual files to boost a small business website SEO at no extra cost.

You also need to name the images using long-tailed keywords. This will enhance the page’s optimization and increase the image’s visibility through the Google’s picture search feature.

Website optimization is key for boosting your SEO fast and you can do much of the work yourself, thus saving the money on hiring a SEO agency. Better use those funds to get top-quality content.

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