How to Raise the Quality Level on all Online Marketing

There comes a time when a business has to be somewhat introspective by looking at what it’s doing and not what their competitors are delivering. Getting online marketing right starts with looking at the website, its content on the site and published elsewhere with the company’s name on it.

Fixing any issues goes a long way to presenting the business in a more professional manner. Often, this is the difference that puts the company over the top with potential customers.

Here are some suggestions on how to raise quality levels for online marketing purposes.

Improve Video Content: Add Intros to Video Clips

Video content doesn’t always start off looking as professional as it might. Depending on how it was produced in early video releases, the camera might have been low-quality or a bit shaky because it was neither on a tripod or used a gimbal. This is why many businesses now turn to professional video production Manchester services to ensure high-quality results from the start.

Editing is another factor. Some videos may have started abruptly or ended too soon in the eyes of the viewer. For the existing videos, it’s useful to re-edit them at least to add an eye-catching video intro using software from this company. They have many intros to choose from and customization features, so you can make the intro suitable for your business needs. It doesn’t take very long to create a new intro, edit the video to slot it in at the beginning, and re-render it.

It’s also worth considering producing an outro too. This can remind people to click the Like button or to subscribe if the video is going up on YouTube. Including the business website information is helpful too.

Improve Video Content: Storyboard Content for Structure & Flow

For future videos, you should look at improving the professionalism of the production from the perspective of structure and flow. Different mediums and platforms best support different types of videos.

For instance, when marketing on YouTube, few viewers stick with a video longer than 6-8 minutes unless it’s an instructional one like a tutorial where it’s beneficial to watch it through to the end. The average viewing time is very niche and industry dependent and is also affected by the viewing device, i.e. a smartphone, tablet or a PC. Taking a look at the YouTube Analytics will reveal the average viewing time on the current videos in the channel to see how the channel fares in this regard.

Plan out videos in advance. Don’t wing it because it will lead to lots of ‘ummms’ and ‘ahhhs’ which must be edited out. Thinking about segments on a breakfast TV show as an example, while they may seem a little formulaic at times, this is for good reason. Live breakfast TV shows plan segments well in advance. Some are pre-recorded content and others are live reporting with studio presenters filling in the gaps. By planning the structure of their content, it keeps it interesting because it has a solid flow to it.

Determine what your target audience is looking for by seeing both which of your videos have the most views and looking at competitors to see how their video subjects stack up. Then produce more content to meet this audience need.

Perform a Review of all Content on the Website

Perform a top-down review of all content marketing on your website. Look at everything from the written copy on the home page and product pages to the blog content and other items like slideshows and company images.

Set a higher bar for the quality that you expect to see. Make sure when visitors reach the site, they’ll be impressed with what they see, read or watch. Depending on how old the website is, you will likely find plenty of content that doesn’t match your higher quality standards. Make a list of these pages or posts to deal with later. Add a notation next to the list for whether the page/post should be removed entirely or updated with better content.

Use a tool like to check whether there are valuable backlinks pointing at the page/post that has low-level content. Enter the page URL into the search bar at the top of the AHRefs page and look at both how many referral domains are pointing at the page/post and the number of links. If there’s at least some links in place, then you don’t want to lose those by deleting the page/post. Where possible, improve what’s already there or entirely replace it.

Spring Clean to Only Present the Best Face to the Outside World

Check the outbound links from the website to determine whether there are any links pointing to dead pages or sites that aren’t live any longer. There are several ways to check for this including using a WordPress plugin to scan for them, a broken links checking site or AHRefs which has a broken links feature for paid subscribers.

View each piece of content visually and replace any images that are either not applicable, not showing, or too low-quality. For royalty-free images that are free to use, try a site like which has plenty of attractive, professional-level photos to choose from. When you come across diagrams or tables that aren’t responsive on smaller displays or are barely readable, redo them to make them useful on virtually any display size.

Run through the list created of the pages/posts to update or delete. Put the time into updating the content where applicable. It tends to get a bump in the Google rankings when you make the content more readable, better presented or with a longer word count. Take advantage of this to give the site a rankings boost.

As we’ve explained in this article, there are many steps that can be taken to improve quality across an entire site without needing to redesign the site itself. Content marketing on other websites like published videos can also be removed and replaced with better versions for companies that are willing to go the extra mile. Attention to quality delivers on branding (especially respectability) and helps convert new site visitors into first-time buyers too.

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