Five Ways to Automate Your Hiring Process

The hiring process can be arduous, often put upon the shoulders of HR professionals who already have a full plate. For small businesses, the task can seem monumental due to limited resources to dedicate to the task.

Automation is making a significant difference in the way we do business. Here are five ways to automate your hiring process without missing out on top talent.

Use an Applicant Tracking System

Simply put, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are centralized platforms that collect and pre-screen resumes and applications. The idea behind these systems is that much of the administrative related work is handled by the computer, rather than human resources professionals and hiring managers. The system can post jobs to various boards, collect and sort the applications, and choose the resumes in the lot that should be reviewed by the hiring manager.

The ATS uses an algorithm to pick out information that’s pertinent to the job posting. This could include specific keywords that pertain to the job at hand as well as other words and phrases that stand out. This can drastically speed up the hiring process and create a streamlined approach to finding the right person for the job.

Add Skills and Personality Tests

Skills tests are another way to automate the hiring process while shifting the focus to the best candidates for the job. By adding an automated skills or personality test to the application process, you not only weed out those who are only casually looking for a job but also get some more insights into the applicant beyond their resume.

Personality tests can have a long-term effect on your business culture. Hiring the right people isn’t just about what they can do in their role, but also how well they play with others. Ensuring that their values and philosophies match your companies can ensure a strong, collaborative culture that leads the business to success.

Use Scheduling Software

Booking interviews can be as time-consuming as conducting them, especially when there are a lot of candidates to sort through. Rather than reaching out to each individual and figuring out a time that works, put the onus on them by using scheduling software.

Smart scheduling programs like Calendly allow for you to set available time slots and send out a shared booking link where candidates can book their interview time. You can also add a custom confirmation message that lets them know if there are any special instructions for the interview.

Streamline the Evaluation Process

Back-to-back interviews start to feel monotonous. While interviewers might take notes during the interview, it’s important to have a structured, automated evaluation put in place to get thoughts while they’re fresh.

Create an online form that allows interviewers to add simple bullet points and a few notes about each candidate to act as a summary of their application and interview. This could include a ranking of their decision-making skills, leadership potential, etc. It could include a series of yes or no questions and some space for a few pros and cons about the candidate. Have them submitted to a central database to be reviewed later.

Automate Onboarding

The hiring process doesn’t stop with an offer; once you’ve made a decision, you must get the new hire moved into their role. Onboarding often includes collecting data about the individual for criminal record checks and payroll, as well as having them read through various policies and sign off on them.

By automating this process through a centralized onboarding system, you reduce the back and forth with human resources workers. The system can present the information to them via a computer, rather than having to print mountains of paperwork. It can also track what’s been submitted and what’s left.

Automating the hiring process is the wave of the future. This incredible technology allows for human resources professionals and hiring managers to focus on their people rather than tasks.

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