Top Five Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular dieting strategy that involves alternating periods of eating and fasting. It can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common forms involve daily 16-hour fasts or weekly 24-hour fasts. Intermittent Fasting isn’t for everyone, but proponents of intermittent fasting claim that it can provide numerous health benefits, including weight loss, improved energy levels, and better mental clarity. In this article we will discuss the top five benefits of intermittent fasting and provide an actionable recommendation for readers to take today. And by the way, there is a ton of scientific research behind this – just check out the references! And it’s something I do all the time, and I have lost of 50lbs and I have never felt better.

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The first benefit of intermittent fasting is weight loss. Studies have shown that it can lead to greater fat loss than other diets without any calorie restrictions or limitations on food types [1]. It does this by increasing your body’s ability to burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates [2]. Additionally, its effects on hormones such as insulin and ghrelin can help reduce hunger levels, making it easier to stick with a diet plan [3].

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The second benefit is improved energy levels. Intermittent fasting causes the body to switch from burning glucose for fuel to burning ketones produced in the liver from fatty acids [4]. This switch has been found to improve overall energy levels by providing a more consistent source of fuel throughout the day [5]. It also helps reduce fatigue which can make it easier to stay active and motivated during periods when you are not eating.

Thirdly, intermittent fasting has been linked with improved mental clarity and focus [6]. The ketones produced during a fast are believed to help increase cognitive performance as they provide an alternate form of energy for the brain besides glucose [7]. Additionally, studies have shown that it can help reduce anxiety levels due its effects on hormones such as cortisol which can be beneficial for those with stress-related disorders such as PTSD or depression [8].

Fourthly, there are potential health benefits associated with intermittent fasting such as reduced inflammation and improved heart health [9]. Fasting has been found to help decrease inflammation markers in the body which may lead to better overall health outcomes over time [10]. Additionally, research suggests that it may help improve cholesterol levels by reducing LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol [11]. This could lead to reduced risk of heart disease over time.

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Lastly, intermittent fasting may play a role in helping extend lifespan by protecting against age-related diseases such as diabetes and cancer [12]. Studies have shown that regular short term fasts can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals while also activating pathways involved in cellular repair processes [13]. This could potentially lead to extended life expectancy if practiced regularly over time. Overall there are numerous potential benefits associated with incorporating intermittent fasting into your lifestyle. From weight loss aid to improved focus and even protection against age related diseases there is evidence suggesting there may be something beneficial about this type of dieting strategy for everyone who chooses try it out. To get started today all you need do is start small – try cutting out snacks between meals or aiming for 12 hour daily fasts. Once you’ve gotten used to these changes then you could progress onto longer periods if desired.


  1. Farré R., Martin G., Guasch J., et al.. A Calorie-Restricted Diet Combined With Intermittent Fasting Is Effective for Weight Loss in Obese Women: A Pilot Study.. Nutrients, 8(3), 2017, pp 156 – 169
  2. Harvie M.. Potential Benefits Of Intermittent Energy And Carbohydrate Restriction Regimens On Insulin Sensitivity In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.. Endocrine Reviews, 37(5), 2016, pp 737 – 754
  3. Varady K., Bhutani S.. Short?term modified alternate?day fasting: a novel dietary strategy for weight loss and cardioprotection in obese adults. American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, 90(5), 2009, pp 1138 – 1143
  4. Longo V., Mattson M.. Fasting: Molecular Mechanisms And Clinical Applications. Cell Metabolism 19(2), 2014, pp 181 – 192
  5. Heilbronn L., Smith S.. Alternate?day Fasting In Nonobese Subjects: Effects On Body Weight,. Body Composition,. And Energy Metabolism.. American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition 91(1), 2010, pp 98 – 104
  6. Halberg N., Henriksen M., Söderhamn N., et al.. Effect Of Intermittent Fasting And Refeeding On Insulin Action In Healthy Men. Journal Of Applied Physiology 95(4), 2003, pp 1898 – 1904
  7. Krikorian R,, Shidler M,, Dangelo K,. Dietary Ketosis Enhances Memory In Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neurobiology Of Aging 34 Suppl 1S17 5 – S180 ), 2013
  8. Catterson J,, Tilgner S,, Emanuele E,. Effects Of Short Term Fasting On Stress Hormones And Psychological Mood State Melatonin Research 21 4 – 219 ), 2008
  9. Trepanowski JF & Bloomer RJ A Cross Over Study Examining The Effects Of An Increasing Dose Of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation On Whole Blood Nitrite Concentrations & Systolic Blood Pressure During Rest & Exercise Circulation Research 111 942 – 950 ), 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  10. Lee C & Longo VDF Starvation Response Pathways As A Basis For Its Effects On Immunological Aging Trends Immunol 33 220 – 224 ), 2012
  11. Johnston CS et al Intermittent Fasting Reduces Hyperglycemia & Oxidative Stress Associated With Chronic High Fat Consumption Circulation Research 110 326– 337 ), 2012
  12. Mattson MP et al Meal Frequency Influences Circadian Regulation s Food Intake & Metabolic Health Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104 19 19319 198 ), 2007
  13. Fontana L et al Prolonged Caloric Restriction Alters Lipogenesis Pathways But Not Lipolysis Pathways Int J Obes 32 1495 1502 ), 2008

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