22 Small Businesses You Can Start on Your Own

A Guest Post by Bronte Price

The economy today is probably at a booming stage, where it has never been. It’s a good time for everybody. It’s a competitive world for both people and businesses. There is a huge amount of cash flowing. All it requires is for you to be smart and fish it before anyone else does.

One could either play safe and have a corporate job or be a risk taker and start a side hustle. Both types have their own set of benefits. However, it’s certain that starting a business is never easy. It is not for the weak hearted. But thankfully, with the advancement in technology things have become easier even for businesses. It’s easier to research, promote and network with technology. One also has the advantage of playing it safe with the business and taking smaller steps.

Interestingly some businesses do not even need much initial investment. It’s always a plus to have some extra cash while also learning about the specific market.

So here are 22 small businesses that you can start on your own-

1.    Personal or Virtual Assistant-

Even though it doesn’t sound very glamorous, a job as an assistant can pay really well. People in the market are looking for help in managing their daily lives. You can even get more liberty when you are a virtual assistant. You can have the liberty of time and work from the comfort of your home. All you have to do is manage their tasks or in simpler terms assist them in balancing their life and keep it sorted for them.

2.    Social Media Consultant-

The world’s running with social media today. And interestingly it is not a fad that is about to die anytime soon. If you have thorough understanding of how social media works, you are good to go. Today, even businesses are looking to expand on the social platform. You should be aware of the trends and the latest technology that are available on these platforms.

3.    Affiliate Marketing-

You need to have a blog or a website of your own. You can then select a particular product you like and then promote it. If you can successfully convince your audience to make the purchase, you can earn really good. It’s very important to have a set of audience who connects and interacts with you. Brands are looking for influencers who can help them reach a larger audience instantly.

4.    Tester/Reviewer-

There are a lot of products and apps that are being made today. Customers look out to read reviews about it, firsthand, from another user. This is why companies pay to be reviewed or tested by genuine users. You can get paid if you can authentically put out a review that can be helpful to other customers and help them in decision making.

5.    Online Dating Consultant-

Not everyone has the time to spend on managing his or her relationship online. This is why people are looking for individuals who can understand them and their requirements. This understanding will aid in finding a partner as per their tastes. You will have to write their profiles and keeping them updated about their matchmaking statuses.

6.    App Developer-

New apps keep coming up in the market, as customer demands have become more intricate. If you believe you have an idea that is catering to a market gap, you should go for it. People are always on the move and are looking for apps that will make their lives easier.

7.    Website Developer-

Nearly every business has a website today, that marks their presence on the digital platform. It should necessarily talk about your business and also give an idea about the kind of tone it follows. The website making industry is not about to die anytime soon.

8.    Internet Security Consultant-

As more and more businesses are coming online, the risk of them being invaded is also increasing. The data these businesses carry are highly confidential, making them even more prone to scamming and virus attacks. If you can help businesses keep their data safe, you can be rewarded with a good amount of money.

9.    Graphic Designer-

A lot of graphics is being used now to keep things interesting and more virtual. Good graphics can communicate more than a piece of text. Businesses are trying to convey their word across with the help of different graphics. It could be in form of their logo, fliers or newsletter etc. You will have to be aware of the latest business trends, to keep your client at par with the market.

10.  Business plan designer-

As more and more businesses come up, the demand for professional business plan designer increases. Businesses want people to write their plans and structure it for their future reference. This can be a highly rewarding job if you have a basic business understanding. A great business idea can make or break the deal for a business

11.  Tax Consultant-

This is a never dying requirement in our economy. Companies are willing to pay well if you can prepare their taxes for them.

12.  Blogger-

Not everyone has the talent to write articles that others enjoy reading. Pick up a niche you believe you know better than others and write extensively about it. Gradually people would count you as a reference in those e niches. This is one of those cheap business ideas that you can start with very less investment and the returns will depend on you.

13.  Resume Writer-

Writing a resume that does its job is not an easy task. If you enjoy writing resumes or putting others statements into paper, this is the job for you. It requires no initial investment and you gradually get an idea of how to make things work in favour of your clients.

14.  Domain Name seller-

All you need to have is a foresight and buy domain names that you believe people would be interested in buying. Buy them at nascent stages and then sell them later after keeping a margin. But you will need to have a basic understanding of SEO and keyword optimization.

15.  Translator-

If you are someone who is multilingual, this is the best job for you. As the global markets are trying harder to merge together, the scope for translators has increased. You can either take up projects that businesses post online or just approach small or big businesses. There is no initial investment and you can earn a handsome amount of money, depending on the size of the company you work for.

16.  Editorial Services-

This is another evergreen business to start on your own. You can offer editorial services to individuals, small and big businesses, even tech startups make use of editing services. Everyone has some or the other content, that needs thorough editing. Businesses cannot afford to go wrong in today’s competitive marketplace. They need help in copywriting, content writing and on page content. You can also offer your services to magazines etc.

17.  Online Photo Seller-

If you are someone who enjoys photography, there’s something in here for you. Not everyone can take pictures that can connect with absolute strangers. If you are confident your pictures speak volumes and can connect to people apart from you, you can earn big bucks. This is a business that will allow you to earn money by doing something that you enjoy. You can charge people to buy your pictures online and make a handsome amount of money.

18.  Meal Planner-

Everyone wants to be healthy and fit today. But not everyone has the knowledge or time to pay attention to their meals. People are willing to pay for their meals planned. You will have to understand the client’s body type and body requirements. You will also have to keep a track of the kind of lifestyle he/she follows and a fair idea about their schedules. You can then plan a meal, keeping in mind all these specifications. This is another great idea for a home-based business.

19.  E-commerce stores-

If you are someone who has a great product to market but does not have the investment for a store, this is the business for you. You can set up a virtual marketplace for yourself and start selling. The initial investment is very less and you can also have the time liberty. A brick and mortar business has the advantage of branding; it does limit itself by a small local demographic. The possibilities are actually endless, depending on how much you are willing to invest in the business. You can reach out to customers across the globe and your store is open 24 * 7. When done right, online businesses can earn your money even when you aren’t present at your store.

20.  Travel Planner-

The number of travel junkies has increased significantly in the last half-decade. It could be leisure or business travelling, it takes work. Travelling requires a good amount of planning and preparation. Travel plans can go bad when either of this are not paid full attention to. But this is something not everyone is good at. You can earn a good amount of money, if you are a traveller too and have experience of planning travels. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to travelling. It could be anything ranging from car rentals to accommodation. You will have to take the specifications for people and plan their itinerary by keeping in mind their budget. You will have to pay attention to the minute of details, like the gender of the client and their convenience. Your job is to make peoples travels more convenient by allowing them to enjoy it without much stress. You will also need to have a knack for bargaining and planning.

21.  Online Custom Tailoring-

People are more conscious about what they wear today, more than ever before. However, everybody wants to look unique and make a mark for themselves with what they wear. This is where costumed tailoring comes into the picture. It allows the tailor to stitch custom pieces as per what the client needs. There is no one size fit all and every client has a different requirement. It could be based on their gender, age, location and business etc. It’s a comparatively new industry and has a lot of potentials. People are willing to have pieces tailored that are unique and tell about their personality. You can also offer them delivery and pick up from locations convenient to them.

22.  Referral Services-

Some people are more aware of what’s happening around them than others. If you are the person in your group people refer to for advice on everything, this is the job for you. People online are also looking for genuine referral services, that can help them make decisions faster. It could be a restaurant or a gardener, but it needs to be referred from a source that is valued. To start with, make a list of all the business you want to refer. Next, ask those businesses to pay you an amount for being on a list that people are depending on. You can also place your Ads on yellow pages and other websites where people are looking for references.

We would love to know which business idea did you start with. Tell us about your first business goof up, in the comments section below.

Bronte Price is a wedding celebrant at gay celebrant melbourne. He stands strongly for marriage equality and takes immense pleasure in marrying any couples in love. He has also co-founded The Equality Network to help wedding suppliers create a better wedding experience for LGBTI couples. He is a regular volunteer newsreader at Joy 94.9, and a member of GLOBE (Gay and Lesbian Organization for Business and Enterprise). Beyond this, you will find him either in his organic backyard vegetable garden or taking walks with his fiancée Clint and their four-legged fur baby – Bingo.

About The Author

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