3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Be More Visible Online

The world of entrepreneurship is a fickle place. One moment you might be riding high with a wealth of orders rolling in, an obscene amount of followers on social media and consistent traffic to your website. However, the next moment you may be wondering what went wrong as the sales begin to dry up, your email marketing campaigns are landing flat, and your cash flow is becoming a little less fluid. The chances are that you have become a little too complacent and you need to find that fire in your business belly to relaunch your startup to the masses. Take a look at why your business needs to have greater visibility online for it to stand a chance of succeeding.


The mythical SEO beast has never been slain. The algorithms used by Google change every few months, and even the professionals who specialise in keywords and getting your business onto the first page of the Google results can have a tough time of working out how best to market your brand. However, head to www.figmentagency.com/landing/seo-surrey and you can watch a short video detailing how you can ensure your website features high up in the Google rankings. The only problem with taking on this SEO challenge yourself is that it tears you away from other tasks that you are much more adept at doing. You could decide to outsource your SEO needs to a third party. This way you can tap into expertise offsite while continuing to push forward with your business vision. You could see a large return on your investment through spikes in traffic, an increase in sales and larger profits.


It’s vital that you take time out to communicate with your customer base. Although you may be busy with other tasks such as marketing, financial planning and the practicalities of fulfilling orders, you must dedicate some time to social media and your blog content. By updating your social media feeds regularly with meaningful and relevant content, and by responding to customer queries, you can foster a positive relationship. Gone are the days of telephone cold calling to try and gain clients. You need to be active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram showing the consumer just why your product will make their lives easier, better or more efficient. Consumers are savvy in the twenty-first century and want to make their own informed choices; it’s vital that you persuade them that purchasing from your company is the right choice to make.


Review sites like the ones listed at www.blog.hubspot.com can be the bane of many a startups life. However, if you put the appropriate emphasis on exceptional customer service, it can be the aspect of your business that can attract more customers. Facebook will now ask for reviews of your services or products. A negative review could lose you a customer, so it’s vital that your product is of the highest quality, you provide good value for money, and you can resolve any problems quickly and to the customer’s satisfaction. Gaining a reputation for having outstanding reviews will fill your potential customer base with confidence and make it more likely that they will place an order.

In the twenty-first century, it’s imperative that you are active online as a business. Don’t become complacent, continue to strive for exceptional customer service and ensure you place as much emphasis on SEO as possible to ensure that your startup has every chance of success.

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