$3,450 for a 32K RAM Computer! Cheap at Half the Price!

I had to share this post with you, it’s from the ‘Techyshit’ blog (nice title). It’s a list of ten old computers from the 70s and 80s with hefty pricetags and abysmal specs – well by today’s standards.

Here is the list . Back then, these would have been the bees-knees of the technology world! Take a look at the Radio Shack TRS – 80 Model II ; a pioneer of utilitarian-style computing in 1979 with 32K ram for just $3,450! Just imagine what you could have done with that amount of on-board storage. Perhaps store a 100×100 pixel bitmap image, or something like that.

Also check this one out for example (pictured left): it’s the Osborne 1 – the world’s first ‘portable’ computer. Well it would be if you had biceps like an Olympic weightlifter. This beauty had 32K RAM and was yours in 1981 for $1,795. Bargain!

Do any of you remember these goliaths?

Have you got a story of using one of these machines to do anything useful?

I’d love to hear your story by leaving a comment, or you can post a comment on the Techyshit article .

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