4 Benefits of Doing Business in Dubai

Did you realize that over 55 percent of American businesses have customers abroad? Having a large portion of your clientele that is based in other countries is a great motivator for expanding internationally. While expanding your business to different parts of the world may be a bit intimidating, it is often a wise move.

For years, business owners have invested money in expansion to the United Arab Emirates. One of the most popular parts of the area is Dubai. Before you try to take on the complex process of doing business in Dubai, you should consult with professionals like the ones at trade license zone. With their help, you can map out this international expansion in a comprehensive and effective way.

The following are some of the benefits that come with doing business in Dubai.

1. Dubai’s Strategic Location Can Come in Handy

Whether your business involves trading, tourism, hospitality or even logistics, working in Dubai can be beneficial. This area is located strategically between Asia, Africa and Europe. Since Dubai is located right in the middle of the 400 mile United Arab Emirates coast, getting items in and out of there is a breeze. This is particularly good news for business owners who specialize in the importing and exporting of goods.

Moving your business to this part of the world will give you access to nearly 3 billion consumer markets. With this exposure, you can grow your bottom line substantially over time.

2. Avoid Crippling Tax Debt

One of the biggest complaints most American business owners and citizens have is the enormous tax bills they are presented with on a yearly basis. The United Arab Emirates is considered to have one of the most diverse and liberal economies in the world. The crux of Dubai’s economic policy is based on no taxation for most individuals and businesses.

The only businesses that have to pay taxes in this part of the world are internal banks, oil and gas companies and hotels. By working with a business planner familiar with Dubai, you can figure out how to get the best this region has to offer.

3. Dubai is a Safe Place to Live and Work

Most people fail to realize that Dubai is one of the safest places to live and work in the world. Some businesses located in larger cities in the United States are constantly getting robbed. This can lead to lots of revenue being lost.

By expanding into the Dubai market, a business owner can increase their profit and reduce the number of losses they take as a result of crime. When you weigh all of the benefits that come with doing business in Dubai, there is no mystery why so many companies are making the move to this part of the world.


4. Taking Advantage of Dubai’s Free Zone

Another advantage that comes with doing business in this part of the world is the free zones they have set up for foreign businesses. These free zones allow a foreign business to set up shop in Dubai without having to be partnered with a local. Navigating your way through the complexities of these zones is much easier with the help of a business planning professional.

Don’t Rush During Your Expansion

The biggest mistake you can make when expanding into a foreign market is getting impatient. Failing to properly plan this expansion can lead to lots of mistakes being made. This is why working with professionals is so important.

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