5 Crucial Steps To Take When Upgrading Your Gigabit Internet

Having a reliable and fast internet connection is essential for the current generation, whether at home or in your business. Gigabit Ethernet has become the talk of the town in different parts of the world, considering the many benefits that come with it. Feel free to learn more about Positron gigabit broadband solutions if this phenomenon is strange to you. Nonetheless, there are a few things you should do as you upgrade to gigabit internet, five of which are explained in this article.

Adjust Your Wi-Fi Router

One of the significant objectives you should have is to get the best internet signal in your router. Fortunately, most of today’s routers support two bands. That includes the traditional 2.4GHz and 5GHz. That is why it is essential to tune your gadget to 5GHZ to receive the best and fastest signal. During setup, your router will ask you to create a 5GHz channel. If you have one already, there will be no need to create a new one. Such a channel may be strong, but it has a short-range. That means you have to ensure that your devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, are closer to your router.

Have Quality Wired Connections

One of the benefits of gigabit is that it allows you to install wired connections. Such connections come in handy because they have fewer interruptions, and you can rely on them compared to their wireless cousins. That is why it becomes incredibly essential to sort the wired connections in the right way from the modem to your router. There is a specific gigabit Ethernet range when it comes to the ports. The ports manufactured over the last few years fall within this range. Nonetheless, if yours were manufactured many years ago, you may have to consider replacing your router.

Ensure You Update Your Firmware And Other Systems

Firmware updates ensure that everything runs smoothly. You may have set up a 5GHz band, the latest Wi-Fi standards, and a router with gigabit Ethernet, but it is still crucial to confirm that the entire system is updated. Enabling automatic updates is one of the best ways to ensure the firmware and system is updated. If you have not enabled that feature on your router, you can log into your administrator’s console to check for firmware updates.

Test Your Devices To Identify Their Weak Points

The final step is to ensure that the devices and gadgets you will connect to gigabit Ethernet can support such a connection. Additionally, such tests will help you know the baseline of your current internet speedsand compare them with what you expect once you upgrade your Gigabit Ethernet. The best way to go about such examinations is by testing your devices and gadgets based on the time of the day you are likely to use them the most.

Gigabit is named after 1000Mbps. Nonetheless, you should not expect to hit that high speed with your connection. In most cases, the highest you can get to will range between 800 and 900Mbps. The main reasons for that include shared bandwidth, device speeds, and quality of the connection.

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