5 Effective Ways to Increase Your Online Brand Presence

With millions of brands out there trying to get in front of their respective audiences online, standing out from the crowd and actually getting noticed can be a little difficult.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. When it comes to digital marketing, building a strong online brand presence is the first priority of many marketers & entrepreneurs out there and it has all the reasons to be.

Tech-savvy consumers of today consider the quality of a brand’s online presence as a testament to their credibility.

So, it makes sense to work on constantly improving your online brand presence in every way possible to get the best out of your online brand marketing efforts.

There are probably a thousand things that you can do to improve the online visibility of your brand (yes, blogging is one of them) and get some much needed exposure for its success.

But you don’t need to cater to all of them. Just focus on the following 5 tips and see your increased brand presence reap results effortlessly –

  1. Keep your ‘branding’ constant

Don’t confuse ‘brand presence’ with ‘branding’. Your ‘brand presence’ is the presence of your brand on various consumer touch-points, ‘branding’ is how you present your brand to the world.

Your brand logo, slogan, website, social media profiles and posts, blog, brand tone, packaging, and many other elements that define your brand are a part of ‘branding’.

Keep them constant on every channel you are present on to develop a sense of familiarity and trust with your audience.

Making your brand easily recognizable can go a long way when it comes to solidifying your current online presence and attracting new audiences at the same time. 

  1. Do your SEO research and focus on Local SEOWhat’s the most prominent traffic source for your brand?Is it Social Media or Google? For 60% of businesses, it’s search engines. According to a study, as much as 93%of online experiences start with a search engine and 81% of people conduct an online search about a brand before making a purchase.So, if you haven’t already, this must be a tell-tale sign for you to start taking some SEO initiatives for increasing the online visibility of your brand. Start a blog, do some guest posts, wrap all your website content around relevant keywords, optimize the meta structure of your website for search engines and list your brand locally to gain some serious search engine love and increase your brand presence.
  2. Double down on Social MediaSocial Media has emerged as a force to be reckoned with when it comes to building a loyal following around your brand and increasing its presence online. And it’s the best way to connect to your audience as well.I can not think of any other marketing channel that comes anywhere close to the level of exposure, engagement and recognition social media goliaths like Facebook and Twitter provide to brands of all shapes and sizes at such scale.Show your human side, keep it relevant, keep the promotions at a minimum, make use of stunning visuals, share something of value that’s engaging and be there for your audience when they need you to harness the power of Social Media and increase your online visibility.
  3. Go MobileGoing mobile is the latest fad for brands and for all the right reasons. Mobile internet users have surpassed desktop users surfing the web and optimizing your website for the same seems like the only logical thing to do.Also, optimizing your website for mobile comes with some serious SEO benefit as well after the latest Google’s Speed Update.If your website is not optimized for mobile searchers yet, you are leaving half your money on the table. Capture those mobile users by optimizing your website for mobile with the help of this guide.
  4. Get out thereWorking with influencers and authoritative publishers with the help of guest blogs and other content marketing efforts like webinars, infographics etc. can increase your brand exposure in folds. By providing useful content to their audience, you create a connection with a wider audience that resembles your own.Guest posting and other networking initiatives can result in creating a lot of awareness for your brand, leading ultimately to sales if you have the funnels in place. And working with influencers is not the limit, you can work with co-brands as well to deliver something of extreme value to your audiences.

In this highly competitive digital marketing space, making an impact on diverse audiences takes a lot of time and efforts. Not to forget, you’ll have to strategically plan your every move to see some results. Are the above mentioned ways the only ones to increase your brand presence online? Not in any way. But by placing all your focus on properly implementing these ways first for your brand, you set yourself up for creating a constant flow of new users coming to your website and ever-increasing your online visibility.

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