5 Interesting Ways for Students to Make Extra Cash

One of the biggest worries for students today is money. Tuition fees are ridiculously expensive, and the costs of living are spiraling. Short of going abroad to study, you need to find ways to make extra cash, especially if you want to go on to study for a master’s degree after graduation. While there are many, and getting a part time job is always an option, when you are studying flat out, the extra pressures and time constraints of work are the last things you want. Fortunately, there are some interesting and fun ways you can make money, which could even reduce your stress-levels, improve your mood and help with your studies.

Sell Online

There are two main options when it comes to selling online. The first is clearing out your old stuff and selling it on. College is the perfect time to do this anyway as you are in a time of transition, continually moving between homes, you need the space!

The second option is selling products. If you have got any crafting or upcycling skills or you see yourself as the next great trader, you could start selling online or even set up your own ecommerce store. Starting out in online commerce isn’t just a great way to make quick money while you study, it could give you some fantastic options in the future.

Start a Blog

Blogging is another great way to make some extra money. You could sell advertising space, write reviews, test products, or earn money through affiliate links and sponsored posts. Having your own blog also means you’ll learn skills such as writing, photography, web design and coding, make some great connections and it looks fantastic on your CV.

Review Music

There are loads of unsigned bands out there looking for feedback and exposure, and there are websites which pay you to do it. If you love music and think you’ve got an ear for quality, this could be a great option.

Be a Secret Shopper

Being a secret shopper might not always pay, but you will get a lot of free stuff. Secret shopper agencies send you out on assignment to check the standards, quality and customer service at shops, restaurants, and bars. They then reimburse you for your spend, and you get to keep any of the products you buy.

Become a Hangover Helper

You know those days when you’re waking up after a long night, and you’ve got loads to do, but you just can’t face moving? Well, as a hangover helper, you would help people in this state. They’ll text and let you know they need help. You pop around, get them breakfast, push them into the shower and generally motivate them to go about their day. It’s an easy job, that lets you meet interesting people and have some fun.

The growing use of the internet means there are so many ways to make money today, without having to spend all of your spare time slaving away at work. Try some out to find what works for you and suits your lifestyle.

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