5 Rules for Writing SEO Content in 2018

The practice of generating content for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes is developing at a rapid pace, as conventional techniques are steamrolled by the latest innovative tips and tricks guaranteed by digital SEO experts to secure high traffic and special favor from search engines.

There are some rules, however, that are recommended just as fervently by digital marketing experts today as they have been in years past for an important reason: they still work.

Generating SEO content can be tricky, but as with any skill, it can be learned and integrated successfully to promote traffic growth, enrich your website, and achieve higher search engine rankings.

Check out these essential content writing guidelines recommended by SEO experts for 2018:

  1. Choose a Reliable Website Platform

The market of available content management systems (CMS) is growing, and businesses and entrepreneurs have more options now than ever to choose from when it comes to setting up their website platform. Some of the more popular examples in 2018 include WordPress, SquareSpace, Weebly, and WiX.

In response to the nonchalance with which many mistakenly treat this foundational decision, one local SEO guide asserts that choosing the right website platform is essential for laying the foundation for a successful site.

WordPress, a platform first launched in 2005, is still considered one of the most reliable platforms based on its capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and quality of web support for users. However, businesses may feel free to peruse different platforms to find one that best fits their needs, taking into account the platform’s features, pricing plans, and customization options.

  1. Don’t Stuff Your Content with Keywords

While the integration of keywords within your content is highlighted across the board for successful SEO writing, an oversaturation of keywords can be detrimental. First, clogging content with keywords makes your writing tedious, if not unreadable. You are writing for people, not just search engines. Keyword-stuffing can also be flagged by search engines and is for that reason generally considered a counterproductive SEO practice.

Instead, focus on integrating keywords naturally. The general recommendation is to have your chosen keywords make up between 0.5 to 1% of your content. This can be calculated by dividing the number of times your keyword appears in your text by the total word count.

  1. Integrate Relevant Images to Support Your Writing

Large blocks of text can be displeasing to the eye. And frankly, in an age where image-heavy platforms such as Instagram and Tumblr are increasingly drawing in users across the globe, the blander style of drawn-out articles has become boring to web users.

That doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to shorter and shorter word counts. Instead, consider integrating images to support your writing. Images help to break up those larger blocks of text and maintain reader interest in the written content.

Relevant, engaging images can help to improve site traffic by motivating people to not only continue reading the content, but also to visit other pages on your site.

  1. Write Content That People Care About

Know your audience. And before putting time and effort into hashing out your latest attempt at search engine-friendly content, consider: Will your audience actually care about what you are writing?

Create content that can inform your audience, strike them as unique, or will otherwise be able to provide some kind of value to them. Use your knowledge of your niche – and your business specifically – to your advantage. Let your audience learn something.

Writing out intriguing headlines, using catchy formatting, and publishing well-researched content will draw in traffic and help you maintain steady growth.

  1. Remember to Proofread/Edit Before Publishing

 Hitting ‘publish’ on a first draft is a rookie mistake that can be off-putting if not disastrous.

Regardless of how large or small your following is, you always want your best work on display. If you do not have the time to edit or proofread your content yourself, consider hiring a professional editor to look over your work. Having a second eye can help you by identifying mistakes you may have initially overlooked and provide insight into how you can avoid these mistakes in the future.

Grammatical, factual, or spelling errors can affect your credibility. Investing money in hiring a professional editor, or ensuring you take the time to self-edit, is worth avoiding the potential strikes against your reputation and the perceived quality of your site.

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