5 Ways To Stay Productive At Work And Avoid The Winter Blues

Winter is here, and that means short days, dark mornings, and cold weather that makes you want to curl up back under the duvet. Whether you are a business owner, or a faithful employee working for a hopefully not Scrooge-like boss this Christmas season, it can be hard to stay productive. Some people suffer from seasonal affective disorder, where they feel low and unmotivated because of the change in climate. Others simply struggle to commit to the rigours of the season, where commuting to work in the wind and the rain is enough to bring about a little misery. In either case, there are ways to ensure you remain productive. Here are some survival tips to help you get through the winter.

  1. Don’t miss out on exercise. Yes, it’s tempting to stay in bed, but you need to maintain physical fitness. Not only will this improve your mental health, but it will also help you to stave off some of the common winter illnesses that befall many of us. Particularly if sick days are not an option for you, make sure you do all you can to stay strong. Be sure to add some extra layers if you are planning to go for a morning jog.
  2. Work from home. Whether business owner or employee, be mindful of the winter woes we mentioned in one of our recent articles and prevent a potential staffing disaster by working from home. With the nasty winter weather, working from home may be a viable alternative, whatever your position in the company. This way, you have the opportunity to continue working while avoiding the harsh cold outside. Perfect, especially when heavy winter snow means it’s difficult to commute to the workplace.
  3. Stay warm. A cold workplace is not a pleasant place to be. This can be alleviated by the point mentioned above, but if working from home is not an option, the workplace needs to be comfortable for all involved. This means working with specialist companies like Acclimatise to manage your heating supply, and finding out who controls the thermostat in your office, to ensure everybody stays warm. Eating and drinking plenty is another effective way of regulating your temperature, so don’t stint on your coffee breaks.
  4. Set yourself goals. It’s normal to unwind at the end of the year, but keep a positive edge and try to stay motivated before the new year begins. You need to have something to look forward to; that thing that motivates you to get up and go to work every day. Therefore, begin working on a new project before the season ends, or volunteer yourself for extra tasks at work to change up your day. Look ahead to the next term, and start a vision plan, listing all the things you want to achieve in the year ahead. Then be sure to complete your current projects, ensuring you have a sense of accomplishment of work finished before you start your next piece.
  5. Don’t work alone. You won’t be alone in suffering the winter doldrums, so spend time with your co-workers to break your negative feelings. You may be able to work together on a particular project, or at the very least cheer each other up with the occasional social get together. Not only will this help you during the winter snap, but it will also continue to motivate you when the new year begins. A happy worker is a productive worker!


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