6 Different Ways You Can Advertise Your New Product

Launching a new product should be an exciting time for your business, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. You will have to carefully consider your approach, especially with how you market the product to your existing customer base and new customers. Read this article to learn more about how you advertise your new product differently.

Newspapers And Magazines

Before we delve into the technological aspect of marketing and advertising, you should be aware of the traditional way to advertise. Most people believe that the time of newspaper and magazine advertising is in the past, but that is far from the truth. There are a number of advantages for magazine advertising, such as being able to reach your nice target audience.

Newspapers can allow you to find more local people to advertise to. Of course, there will also be national newspapers, but they might not suit your business’s needs and could be a waste of money and time. 

Social Media

Easily one of the most effective means for advertising your new product comes from social media. Social media comes in various forms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more recently, TikTok. While these platforms were originally designed for individuals to use as they wished, they had become something else that nobody really anticipated.

Nowadays, businesses that are not on social media are seen as falling behind the rest and not innovating with the times. Many modern customers will look up businesses that they may buy from on social media before purchasing anything to get a feel for the company. They may do this to see how authentic the business is and how they interact with customers. They may also be looking to see if they’re operating in a way that lines up to their ethics.

Think carefully about the sort of content you want to create on your business’s social media page. You will need to work hard to get the tone right and ensure that you’re not breaking any advertising regulations at the same time. 

Try to be interesting in the content you create. It may be a good idea to create video product ads to stand out amongst the crowd. You can sign up for a free trial with Creatopy to get access to an editor that allows you to easily generate video campaigns. This can help you create professional-looking video ads to the specifications that suit you. 

Loyalty App

Another more unique way to approach advertising is to target your advertising efforts to your own customers directly. Where possible, try to focus your attention on loyal customers. These customers are customers who have spent not just money with your business but also time. This means they are more likely to be the type of customers interested in a new product you’re launching.

There will be a few different ways you can contact these customers. If you are using your own loyalty app, or have signed your business up to a third-party app that keeps track of customer purchases. 

For customers that have reached a certain threshold within your business, they could be eligible to get a first look at a product you’re launching. Not only that, but they could get an exclusive discount simply for returning as a customer. You may find that these loyal customers that you contact first will spread the word about your product on your behalf.


Emails have been an effective tool for marketing for a number of years now. You can use emails to email those who have bought from you previously, or to email people who signed up to a mailing list out of curiosity. Some people sign up to mailing lists to find out when a restock of their favorite product is available.

Emails may also be used as a sort of cold calling technique, where you can find targeted groups of people who would be interested in your business or product. You may have received this list of targeted email recipients from specialized businesses who find them for you, or they may have signed up to your business, as mentioned previously.


A more traditional approach to dealing with product ads and marketing is to create a leaflet. You could also go further with this concept and create a more personalized brochure for your business, going more in-depth on what else is going on around the company.

You can post these leaflets out to customers who have had goods delivered by you before, or you could put these leaflets into your physical store for them to pick up whilst visiting. They may take this leaflet so that they can remember a certain product later on when they have more disposable income, or they may just want to read more information on a specific product.

When it comes to creating leaflets, your best bet is to outsource both the production and printing of them to an expert company, as it’s unlikely you will have the resources to do this yourself. Of course, you could look to design the leaflet yourself or with your team in-house, except you will need someone to print it on your behalf, which can be much more affordable than having the entire thing outsourced for production.


Perhaps a more fun and interactive approach you could take towards advertising a product is to start a competition. The best way to get traction with this is to broadcast the competition through your social media channels. The most common way to do this is to announce a giveaway. A giveaway gives you the chance to give out one product for free to someone. To enter, all they have to do is to share your social media post. You can see where this is going. They will share it with their inner circle, sharing it with their own inner circle until everyone has seen it. This allows more and more people to see your business and products for the price of one product.

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