7 Common Road Offenses You Should Avoid

The United States struggles with the challenge of road safety, recording an average of more than 6 millionpassenger car accidents every year. As a result, these incidents have a catastrophic impact, including claiming the lives of around 38,000 individuals annually. 

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This indicates that even drivers with years of experience on the roads of the United States could be unaware of various intricate traffic regulations. Unintentional violations could occur, leading to poor consequences. 

Thus, you must familiarize yourself with common road offenses to ensure a compliant and safe driving experience. Let’s delve into what some of these infractions are. 

Common Traffic Offenses To Avoid

1.     Not Using Indicator Signs

It is necessary to use an indicator when you are turning a corner or changing lanes. This is not just a part of driving etiquette but a crucial safety feature, as it informs other drivers of your intentions.

Failure to use an indicator will leave the driver behind or beside you, unaware of the direction you are about to take. Consequently, they will be forced to react without a warning, which is a recipe for disaster.

In addition, it is advised that you also turn off the indicator as soon as you have made the turn or changed lanes to prevent misguiding other motorists. 

2.     Driving Without A License

One of the most prevalent road offenses is operating a motor vehicle without having a valid driver’s license. In some cases, this happens due to drivers either misplacing or forgetting their licenses. 

On the other hand, young adults who are not legally allowed to drive due to being underage tend to do so without a license. This offense can lead to the driver being fined and even imprisoned in some scenarios. 

3.     Aggravated DUI

An aggravated Driving Under the Influence (DUI) may occur in several circumstances. Some serious situations could include a high blood concentration level or having a child below the age of 14 present in the car. 

You could also be imprisoned and charged with aggravated DUI for speeding in a safety zone or driving certain mph above the designated speed limit. 

Additionally, you could also endanger the lives of others. In the United States alone, around 37 people die daily on account of drunk-driving crashes, which also include aggravated DUI. 

Aaron Black Law, an experienced Phoenix aggravated DUI attorney, advises not to drive while drunk to save yourself from danger and prevent the hassle of being slapped with extensive fines.

4.     Running A Red Light

Running a red light is one of the most common road offenses across the globe. While it is not a serious offense, it does have terrible consequences. Moreover, adhering to traffic rules and ensuring you do not violate them is your moral and ethical duty.

Keep in mind that multiple warnings for running a red light could lead to a significant charge, forcing you to pay hefty fines. 

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5.     Speeding

Speeding tickets can ruin your otherwise perfect driving record. Despite the fact that this offense does not lead to jail time, the judge could give you the maximum penalty of a six-month suspension. Furthermore, an accumulation of speeding charges could lead to a suspension of your license for life due to the threat you impose on the general public and traffic flow. 

On the other hand, speeding, a form of aggressive driving, can pose a severe threat to drivers and road safety as a whole. It can often lead to devastating consequences, including the loss of lives. In the year 2020 alone, speeding was the cause of more than 11,000 fatalities in the US. 

6.     Stopping Abruptly

Unwarranted and sudden braking, especially in moving traffic, could cause accidents on highways and roads. Stopping abruptly without any prior warning could lead to a series of dangerous consequences.

Thus, it is suggested to drive at a slow pace when in higher traffic and decelerate gradually to allow yourself and other drivers to maneuver accordingly.  

7.     Using Phones 

Using a handheld mobile device of any kind, like a cellular phone, while you are driving is strictly prohibited. This regulation often applies even if the car is stationary, including instances of waiting in traffic or at a red light. On the other hand, hands-free devices, such as in-built navigation systems or Bluetooth headsets, are permitted during driving. As long as you are not physically handling a phone, you will be compliant with the law.

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