7 Online Side Hustles To Make Money Before Christmas

The Christmas holidays are one of the most exciting times for people across the globe. It’s that time of the year with no office calls, constant emails, or endless inquiries from co-workers and customers. Many take weeks off to spend time with family, watch their favorite movies, visit amazing destinations, and share gifts with their loved ones. All of this, of course, is best enjoyed with substantial money saved and enough cash to survive the unusually lengthy January. In this article, we’ve curated the best side hustles to look into this year for extra cash to meet these monetary demands. 


For the sake of the time limit, we’ve decided to focus more on jobs that can be started in very little time or that don’t require as much preparation to start yielding results. Looking at this category of options, we have tutoring as one of the most accessible side hustle opportunities. 

This is particularly thanks to platforms like Camble, TutorOcean, Learn to Be, and others that make it easy for people to register and become virtual tutors. This platform helps knowledgeable people monetize their skills by teaching people online. It could be kids, high school students, or even college students. If that sounds like a good fit for you, consider being a paid tutor, either online or offline. 

Online Trading 

If you’re interested in financial instruments, then you can consider trading in forex in your free time. The foreign exchange market is a perfect space for part-time workers because it doesn’t always require your attention 24/7. If at all that happens, you have the option of using algotrading or bots when you are unavailable to trade the markets. 

Retail forex trading is now more accessible thanks to investment platforms like TradingView and OANDA. While TradingView is every investor’s go-to trading platform, OANDA is a brokerage platform with multi-asset trading and currency information services. You can choose to trade stocks, commodities, currencies or be an OANDA prop trader.


Freelancing is often listed as one of the most flexible job opportunities because its flexibility is second to none. If your goal is to get financial freedom and spare time to work other jobs, the remote working sector is the ideal match for you. 

The good part about this is that there are a lot of companies and organizations that operate remotely and also prefer to hire more freelancers. It’s a win-win situation because they get to save more on the cost of managing a physical site while the workers have more flexibility to work other jobs. You can kickstart your freelancing career on online platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. 

Become a Virtual Assistant 

A virtual assistant job is one of those career opportunities with a lower barrier of entry and some flexibility. You can work as a VA with as little as a high school diploma, and considering that it’s virtual, you can juggle the role with other jobs. Some basic knowledge you’d need to excel in this role includes social media skills, time management, and calendar and email management. 

There are short courses that you can take within one month to get additional certifications. Also, a lot of freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr have VA roles open that you can easily apply for. 

Creating and Selling Digital Products

If photography has always been a hobby, then it’s time to consider making a few bucks from it. Websites like Shutterstock and Getty Images are rewarding creatives by buying their photos and reselling them to companies that need them for websites and ad campaigns. 

There is a constant need for your photography skills, and every camera shutter could yield you something tangible towards the end of the year. You can also take side photography gigs to earn money. Engagement photos, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and many other events often require someone to capture the moments. You can do that while making money for the holidays.

Designing and Drawing

Designing and drawing are additional hand skills that can help you earn considerably. Both can be a fulfilling and lucrative business if approached strategically. For one, you can use an online freelance website to find clients in need of graphic design talents, illustrations, and custom artwork. 

At the same time, you can see artwork online, whether as prints or merchandise. Stock designs and templates are also possible earning opportunities. These involve selling stock graphics such as icons, patterns, and illustrations on sites like Adobe or Shutterstock. 


Etsy is a global marketplace where people can sell, buy, and collect unique items. Many sellers use this platform to earn extra income by selling handmade items. Some of the best-selling categories on the website are Jewelry, handmade clothes, bags, candles, and accessories. 

If you’re talented at making any of these products, you can consider listing them for sale on Etsy. Promote your products on other social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram to drive more sales. 

Balancing Multiple Jobs for Productivity

While we’ve given you a good list of jobs you can do on the side in these last months of the year, it’s important to emphasize the need for balance. People tend to overwork themselves at this time of the year, trying to make up for unachieved goals and financial plans for the year. Chasing such might lead to exhaustion and a huge decline in your productivity. Remember to keep it at a maximum of two jobs and take breaks on weekends, no matter how short.

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