October Commentator of the Month!

Early in August, I asked for your help. I needed a dedicated commentator to beat the talented Chris Mahan (who won in August and September) to the mark of Commentator of the Month, and I would up the ante from the usual $10 to $20. We have a new winner!

Enter Mark McClure (yes, the same fella whose IT Career Engineer report I reviewed .) Mark has beaten Chris Mahan to be October’s Commentator of the Month.

And what’s more Mark has given the $20 back to go into the Cancer Research Charity Fundraiser I launched in October .

Thanks Mark! Hard Luck Chris – maybe you’ll be back on top this month?

About The Author

3 thoughts on “October Commentator of the Month!”

  1. And Mark deserves it! A job well done.

    I’ve been swamped lately, but I think I’ll go after the $20 again soon if comments don’t start showing up!!!

  2. @Chris – it looks like commentators have been busy with the election and parties that followed, but I expect it to pick up very soon so the $20 isn’t in the bag yet!

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