Commentator Leaderboard added! Bonus Cash Prize!

I’ve added a Leaderboard for on the far right sidebar to show the most active commentators.

And I will be giving $10 USD to the top ranked commentator on the first day of each month!

I’ve done this to encourage commenting. Why? Commenting adds to the quality and richness of this site’s content as comments add to diversity and social acceptance. The more comments made, the more richer and enlightening the experience for us all.

What’s more, I love your comments so keep them coming!

So if you want to grab the cash then get commenting…. But no SPAM or you’ll be disqualified.

About The Author

2 thoughts on “Commentator Leaderboard added! Bonus Cash Prize!”

  1. Wow what a great concept. Small prizes for the biggest commentor of the month ! I think I might do the same thing on my blog. I LOVE coming home and seeing comments or getting emails from people because of TechieNATION.

    I can see how even a small prize would motivate some people to comment a little more.

  2. simonstapleton

    Well you’re in the lead so far! If you win, maybe I’ll get the chance to earn some cash back on your blog! LOL

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