I Hit the 300 Post Mark!

I just noticed that I’ve hit the 300 post mark. So it’s a landmark day. (Any excuse to break out some champagne). But what next?

I started this blog in it’s current guise a year ago, and it’s been quite a journey. Like most bloggers, I started by dabbling, and then when onto rambling, progressed onto babbling, but then it got serious. I realized how much I was enjoying it, particularly when I would get an interesting reaction from a commentator.

Now I have hit the 300 post mark, I am thinking about What Next? I won’t pretend that I am machivelian and that ‘this belongs to my readers, not me’. No, this is my blog. But the readers of this blog make it what it is, and I am always keen that I write about subjects that add value and solve problems for readers.

More recently, I refocused on recession survival. If the economic climate changes soon, I’ll refocus again towards building on the upturn . Only if I enjoy writing about it, and that readers value that.

The next step is to build more authority on the subjects that matter to IT professionals, leaders and freelancers. These are the groups of people I have the most affinity with and enjoy solving problems for.

Guess what though, knowing what your problems are takes a lot of time and a lot of research ! Because of that, I am always on the prowl for the interesting stories and problems that matter to you…. so let me hear them!

Solve problems with my help. Let me know what bugs you, frustrates you, pisses you off… and I promise to give it my best shot in solving the problem with you and all readers!

You know how: leave a comment, or contact me using the details on my About page!

About The Author

2 thoughts on “I Hit the 300 Post Mark!”

  1. Yo Simon – congrats on the milestone. Easy on the champagne though. I can tell you the hangover from my 100 post party was pretty bad!

    Enjoy and keep up the good work. Cheers, mate!

  2. simonstapleton

    Thanks Dave. I don’t have a sore head this morning. I closed the party after just one bottle. It is a recession, you know? 😉

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