The Self-Employment Bible: 6 Ways To Progress

Many people decide to become self-employed because they don’t want a boss looking over their shoulder. Some also do it because they like the idea of being in control. A few might even become self-employed because it’s the only option on the table. Regardless if the situation, it’s vital that people in that position research their new career. That is the only way to achieve stability comparable to that which you would get with traditional employment.

You have to work hard to secure your future and take things to the next level. The six pieces of advice on this page should help everyone reading to reach their ambitions. At the end of the day, you just need to follow a standard process and walk the right path. With a bit of luck, the information you’re getting today will make that task a little easier.

Stay on the right side of the law

The first thing you need to remember is that there are lots of rules you need to follow. Breaking those rules could mean you find yourself in a lot of trouble. So, it’s sensible to seek some basic legal advice. You’re going to need the right protections in place from the onset. Business services from the Federation of Master Builders could come in handy if you work in construction. They offer all the insurance packages builders and other tradespeople might require. If you’re working online as a freelancer, you’re still going to want policies in place that cover your job. Failure to do that could mean you lose everything if a client decides to take you to court. With all that in mind, it’s essential that you understand all the legal risks you face. Only then can you take precautions to combat them.

Use the latest software

You don’t want to spend all day performing admin tasks if you’re self-employed. That would limit your earnings and waste a lot of time. For that reason, it’s vital that you take a look at the latest software packages. Those programs could reduce your working hours considerably. For example, you might choose to buy an accounting package that automatically records your income and outgoings. That would mean you don’t have to sit down at the computer for an hour each week to update your spreadsheets. There are lots of other software solutions you might consider depending on the nature of your operation. So, make sure you perform a lot of research and leave no stone unturned.

Get some recognition

Your customers and clients want to know they can trust your services. For that reason, you have to work hard to create a positive perception. There are a few different things you can do to make their decision easier. Firstly, you might ask previous clients to write reviews or testimonials. You might also think about joining a trade association. The latter option is a wise move because only the best experts will obtain membership. You can then use the logo of the organisation on all your promotional materials. Anyone who is looking for services that you provide can then see that you are a recognised professional. That will put their mind at ease and encourage them to get in touch. There are lots of cowboys out there, and so most folks are careful about spending their money. However, you can limit those instances with professional recognition.

Design the perfect marketing plan

If you want to grow and expand your services, you will need to create a watertight marketing plan. Right now, you might have enough clients and jobs to pay your bills. However, you never know when that is going to change. So, you need to advertise your expertise and skills in the best ways possible. Opening social media pages with Facebook and Twitter is always a wise move because it doesn’t cost anything. You should also launch a cheap and cheerful website for the best outcomes. Just don’t make the mistake of opting for free solutions. Consumers can spot an amateur site from a mile away. You need something that looks sleek and professional if you want to progress and make new contacts.

Always keep your clients happy

It sounds obvious, but keeping your customers happy should become a top priority. That is because one dissatisfied customer will tell two of their friends, and you’ll end up with a bad reputation. So, ensure you always ask people if they are happy when you complete a job. If there are any issues at all, you need to resolve them accordingly. Sometimes it’s better to offer someone a discount than allowing them to write a negative review. You get the idea, right? Just refuse to walk away until you’ve changed the client’s mind. You should do that, regardless of the cost. A single adverse review of testimonial could cost you thousands of pounds in future trade. You can’t afford for that to happen.

Consider starting a company

If everything is going well, you might like to think about taking a leap of faith. You’ve built a reputation for being an excellent self-employed worker. So, maybe you would also make a fantastic company owner? Launching a new venture is always a risky idea. However, it could help you to take your career to the next level. You still get all the benefits of being self-employed because you will become the boss. That means you make all the decisions, and you can earn more money than ever before. There are lots of guides online that outline the process you will have to follow. So, make sure you perform a lot of research before taking that step.

Everyone reading this post should now have a good idea of the best ways to progress with self-employment. If you follow the suggestions above, you could end up running a company within the next two years. You just need to build slowly and assess the market. You should remain a sole trader if you don’t see commercial potential. Still, there is more than enough room for new businesses in most marketplaces. So, use your head and work out the best progression path given your situation.

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