Getting Noticed: How to Draw Positive Attention to Your Online Presence

Any business person will know that starting up your own company is tough. It takes seemingly endless planning: from product design to manufacturing and pricing, there’s constantly something new to focus on and bring to life. But no matter how brilliant your products are, you aren’t going to make any profit if nobody knows that your company exists. So, how do you go about helping your company to root itself in its field? Here are a few steps to get things started.


Effective company branding can make or break a business. This is how the consumer market sees you, your products and your service. So it needs to be noticeable and outshine competitors’ efforts. First things first: choosing a stand out brand name. It needs to be short, catchy and memorable. The new requirement? It should be easy to spell. Nowadays more and more people take to search engines to find products or companies, so having a simple to spell name will allow them to find you more easily. Next? A logo. Your logo should reflect your brand’s aesthetic, ethics, products and service. That’s a lot of information to visually communicate through a simple brand logo, but it is possible. Collaborate with an experienced graphic designer who will be able to advise you as to what will best work for your brand. Finally, a colour scheme and typeface. These will be implemented into your web and store design, so make it something attractive.

Search Engine Optimization

As we mentioned earlier, more and more people are taking to the web to find products. So you want to appear as high in the search engine results as possible. You can ensure this through search engine optimisation. This is a process of using the correct terms and phrases to correlate well with search engine software. It is a little complex to enforce, so we’d advise working alongside specialists in Google SEO, Search Engine Optimisation, Search Engine Marketing, SEM and other relevant areas.

Effective Web Design

Your web page is like your storefront on the high street, so you want people to stop and stare. It should entice people in and encourage them to have a look through your collections. You can curate the perfect site by working alongside a professional web designer. These individuals will be able to make your site easy to operate and navigate around. They will also be able to make it attractive, accurately reflecting your brand’s aesthetic. This will encourage sales and generate more profit for you in the long run.

Stage Promotional Campaigns

Promotional campaigns are a great way of getting people to notice your brand and products. So hire staff from a renowned promotional agency to engage with the public, promoting your brand and perhaps even offering discount codes and vouchers to encourage people to make the effort to visit your site.

Following these few simple steps will ensure that you garner high footfall and traffic on your page, generating profit and ensuring that your business doesn’t only stay afloat, but will prosper too!

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