Why Packaging Is Everything To An Online Retailer

When it comes to your business, is packaging an afterthought? If so, that attitude could be costing you business. Packaging is more important than you might think, for many reasons. By putting some extra effort into your business’s packaging, you could find that your sales increase as well as generate repeat business. So what is it about packaging that makes it so important? Read more and see if it’s time to change your approach to your retail packaging.

The ultimate marker of brand recognition

Packaging may not seem like much of a marketing tool, but for some brands – the packaging is everything. Tiffany & Co is a great example of a brand that is as famous for its packaging (the little blue box) as the quality of its jewellery. In fact, ‘Tiffany blue’ is often featured on colour charts – a significant indicator of the brand’s iconic status. This case study is worth a read for details of their marketing success. Having a brand that is instantly recognisable through its packaging is a good way to develop brand recognition, and could be more effective than you realise in increasing your sales.

The thrill of the box

Consumers love the thrill of packaging – unboxing videos are becoming increasingly popular on YouTube and Instagram, and if you read product reviews online – the packaging is something that will always get a mention. Your products’ packaging doesn’t have to be all-singing and dancing to be effective – you can create great packaging through clever or sleek design that will resonate with your customers. Even basic packing supplies like postal tubes from http://www.postaltubeshop.com/ can be spruced up with the right labelling, so don’t settle for simple if you’re trying to make an impact. Designing packaging that fits your brand is important and is something that will improve the overall shopping experience for customers.

The key to fewer complaints

Poor packaging is a leading cause of customer complaints. Goods that arrive damaged are no good to a customer, who can be frustrated at having to wait for a replacement or facing the same fate when their next item arrives. Seemingly simple packaging solutions might not be on your radar, so it’s worth exploring and testing out what works well for you and your customers. If you can make your packaging recyclable too – this could offer further kudos with your customers to show that you’re a business that cares about the environment. Ask your customers for feedback about your packaging and see if there are any improvements that can be made to keep them coming back to you.

Choosing the right packaging for your business is important – it not only saves you time and money but can add to the customer’s overall buying experience, something they will remember and recognise about your brand. Incorporating your packaging into your business’ brand strategy could be a simple way to boost your sales, as well as make your brand stronger. They say that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but in today’s retail world – the outside matters more than you think.

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