Redefining Your Sales Process

When you’re in business, making a sale always gives you a little buzz, especially as the owner. Yet, sometimes we just can’t make any sales no matter how hard we try, and we start doubting our entire stance on how much of a leader or sales executive we actually are. So with the big sales seasons coming up, like Halloween and Black Friday, here’s a few ideas on making the sale process faster and better for your business.

Focus on One at a Time

So you’ve got quite a few customers into your store, and now you want to flit between them all just to make as many sales as you can. Great strategy, right? Well, not quite. In practice, this can mean you look highly strung and thin on the ground, and the person you’re talking to at the time doesn’t get the attention they deserve.

If you have employees, delegate. Get people onto the shop floor with their best smiles and talk to people, but don’t be overbearing. No one likes an intrusive sales assistant.

Be Different to Your Competitors

Being able to give customers an experience others can’t can bring more and more of them to your store, and mostly through word of mouth advertising. This is the most effective form, as people trust their friends and family more than your marketing team.

Offer up some incentives on a platter, and advertise about them well. Being visual with your efforts on the street can mean having a sale, which can bring in plenty of people at once; it’s good practice to have one every now and then. You can also improve upon your sales tactic, or even offer free samples when someone walks through the door.

Try Contactless

Carrying a card around with us as customers means we have an almost unlimited supply to money, so be sure to capitalize on that as a business. Having a system that takes card payments is a great move in the first place, but making it even easier to pay for something is possible.

Having contactless technology is a great strategy for getting more sales in your business. When people don’t have to route around for change, they just whip out the card, and are much more likely to buy. If you don’t have contactless, you can implement it with technology like NFC Tags, which can turn a sale into a literal pass through the store. It’s also a quick process, so your sales register won’t be down for long at all.

So your sales bring you in a profit and keep you in business, thus focusing on how to make them better wherever you can is key to success. A lot of the time it’s a mixture of psychological tricks and people having an actual investment in what they want, but don’t overthink it like this. There’s no secure way to make a sale, and customers are different, so be an ally to them when they want a sale.

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