The Find-a-Better-Job Challenge

Would You like to join me in searching for a better job than we are currently in right now?

If you would like to join me, I am going to conduct an experiment to find what jobs are available using online job search tools that are better than the one I am in at this time.

Job search websites have matured and expanded so much over the last few years (particularly now as so many people are looking for employment) that I think online search is the best method as it puts us in control, and gives US the choice of roles to put ourselves forward for.

Are there are Myths to Dispel?

Through this challenge, I aim to prove or dispel a number of socially conditioned beliefs of this time:

  1. A shift in job is a shift to only a ‘lower’ job (although this isn’t necessarily a bad thing)
  2. Only entry-level or junior roles are being created
  3. Executive and management vacancies don’t exist
  4. There are too many applicants for the same job
  5. You won’t find a better job than you’re in now

So I am going to start, right now, in searching for a better job and analyzing the results. (I don’t actually have to apply for the jobs, but I will take note that I have a future choice to!)

Want to try to beat this challenge with me?

I am going to start today. I will search online for a better job. And see what happens… it could be fun!

Find a Better Job: Today… that is the challenge!

Can YOU find a better job that you could realistically apply for, and get, using an online job search? Why not give it a try? You don’t have anything to lose, other than a few seconds. Who knows, it could prove that there are jobs available to you should you need to look for one!

The Job Search Engine I will be Using

Here is a job search engine I recommend, as it contains thousands of jobs across all industries and geographies. Just enter your role, or industry, and your city, state or zip code:

Search for a Better Job:


job title, keywords


city, state, zip

Subscribe to my RSS Feed to find out when I publish my results!

Good Luck – and share your results by leaving a comment below.

About The Author

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