Five Apps that Could Get You a Better Deal on Your Car Insurance

The motor insurance industry is becoming more competitive all the time. In order for you to take advantage of this and find the best possible deal, you need to employ a little ingenuity and a little technology. Using a mobile phone app to get car insurance is a great way to look for deals conveniently and here we look at five apps that we think you may want to know about.

Co-operative Telematic Insurance App

Aimed at younger drivers, the Co-operative’s telematic car insurance app is one which might not only get you a great deal, but also make you greater savings further down the line.

Telematics is a system by which the driving habits of a person are monitored and if they drive sensibly, then this is taken into account when calculating the future cost of insurance. Good drivers get cheaper insurance, while poor drivers suffer higher premiums.

Dayinsure Insurance App

If you are looking for short term insurance, then Dayinsure are well worth considering. Dayinsure offer short term insurance contracts at competitive prices and work really well for those who are learning to drive or for individuals who need insuring on a vehicle for only a short period of time – typically from 1 to 28 days.

So, for example, if you were to borrow a van from someone to move house, you could get temporary insurance to cover this.

Aviva Drive App

Taking the Aviva driving skills test could save you a bundle if you score well. Your driving is monitored for 200 miles and when the test is over your safe driver score will be calculated. Those who receive a top score of ten out of ten could save as much as £100 on their car insurance cover.

There are several companies offering similar packages, but beware that the apps used are a drain on your mobile phone battery and as the technology is quite new are prone to malfunction – they crash.

Go Compare App

The Go Compare app allows the user to compare quotes from a range of car insurance companies in a bid to find the best deal. This service is quick and simple, there are no forms to complete, all you have to do is take a picture of your driving license and then watch the quotes come rolling in.

Be advised, however, that currently this app is only available for users who have an iPhone.

Axa Drvology App

This app uses technology similar to telematics, but it also looks at where the car is being driven to and from and where it is being parked and stored. After three months of monitoring your car insurance will be recalculated based on the data that has been gathered.

Foe some drivers this is good news as the price is lowered, however, sometimes there is an increase and so beware.

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