Creating positive energy in yourself (3)

In the previous installment of this series I discussed the impact of boredom on motivation, setting yourself aggressive targets and selecting some short term goals. I’ve received some good feedback on the series so far, and I welcome further comments.

In this post I would like to offer a practical and implementable tip to create the positive energy you’ll need to achieve your objectives, be it to move your career forward or whatever. Mustering real motivation to begin the changes is a skill you can easily master, and I can point you in the direction of How.

The main concept is to put yourself in a mental state where you can visualize your goals and see yourself actively achieving them. This should have effects deep inside you which will compel you to act positively.

There is a wonderful method to begin this process, and it is written by the Personal Development expert Steve Pavlina on his own blog. Here is the link:

Take time to read this article and try out the technique. For example, if you desire career progression then visualize yourself in your new job, at your new desk, enjoying new influence and financial benefits.

Steve’s method for doing this has grounds in a practice known as NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is a psychological technique for goal achievement. Whether you’re interested in the underlying mechanisms in your brain, or not, this is a credible and proven system. I have used it. Thousands (if not millions) have too to great success.

These techniques can be developed by yourself, and if you’re guided, you can be successful in their application quite quickly (and painlessly I should add!). It might not happen straight away, but with a small amount of practise you will start seeing early benefits. You should find that the power to achieve is in yourself – you are all you need.

Below is a link to a book available on Amazon which I have personally read and used. I am thoroughly recommending it here as I think that if the technique I have discussed here appeals to you, you should consider purchasing it to learn more and develop this skill. Its quite a large tome, but it is easy to read and you don’t need a science degree to do so!

[You can use this link and be directed to the book on your local Amazon site]

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