An Office With A View: Why What They See Out Their Windows Impacts Your Workforce

Most entrepreneurs give location some thought when looking for an office. Prime location offices are best for business for obvious reasons. Equally, an office with easy access is essential for ensuring clients can find you. It doesn’t take a genius to work this out, and you’d be mad if you didn’t consider it during the office hunt.

But, you might not realize that location could do even more for you or, specifically, your workforce. After all, they have to arrive at that office every working day. Yet, while you may know about the importance of office interiors, you might not have considered location.

Well, it’s time to change that. The setting of your office can have as much standing as what you put inside it. Studies have shown that a good view can make a big difference to productivity. If you aren’t convinced, let’s consider three of the reason why you should aim for an office with a view.

Kickstart creativity

Their surroundings have inspired some of our most celebrated artists and writers. City streets just don’t offer the same opportunities. Whatever way you look at it, concrete doesn’t invite creativity. Instead, buying or renting an office space with a view of a river or fields could be your best bet. It’s certainly likely your team will have much better ideas while staring out at that natural vista. In many ways, this is the thinking behind the trend of plants in the office. But, you can go one step better by getting the real deal nearby. You’d be amazed what a difference it will make to production.

A peaceful setting

Offices with views are often set in peaceful settings. And, it doesn’t take a genius to work out that’s a good thing. Rather than the beeping of horns and shouting of crowds, your staff will be able to work in the relative silence your good view brings. And, even you can’t deny the benefit of a peaceful working area. While there have been suggestions low-level noise helps productivity, the facts say otherwise. In fact, the Atlantic state that “for most types of cognitively demanding tasks, anything but quiet hurts performance.”. In that sense, fields are sure to be better than busy streets outside your window.

The right headspace

A vast and natural view can also work for putting your staff in the right headspace each day. The simple act of walking to work in a more rural setting will ensure they arrive at the office ready to go. And, if they arrive in the right way, you can be sure to see an increase in staff productivity straight away. On top of which, a report from the World Green Building Council states that “Longer distance views, away from computer screens or written documents, allow the eyes to adjust and re-focus, which reduces fatigue, headaches and the effects of eye strain in the long term.” So, it looks a lot like that view could keep headspace strong throughout the day, too.

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