5 Tips to improving your storefront

The advancement of technology has led to growth and improvement of marketing and advertising. How you prepare your store front greatly determines the number of customers you get daily and how many you get to retain. It is important to understand that you only get one chance at first impression and first impressions are at times the last. Your storefront is the first impression your customers get to see and judge you and your store with. It is therefore very important that you make the best out of it. Below are some of the tips that will help you to greatly improve your storefront:

  • Design an eye catching monument. If your store is near traffic, the best way to invite people into your store is by designing an awesome eye-catching monument that delivers intended message and leaves the customer curious. The monument should be fun and attracting from far. It should be direct to the point and appealing to the eye. Mix colours that sell you and your brand. Block letters which are white and black are boring to the eye and so obvious. Think beyond the obvious and be the most creative.
  • Put a pylon and a pole sign on your parking lot. This is another artwork design that will encourage your customers to choose you over your competitors. Pole signs in the parking lot should be all about the customer. Engage him or her on their thoughts, what type of questions they could be asking themselves, any doubt in them, then offer an appropriate definite answer. Go an extra mile to put a smile on their face despite long day exhaustion and make it memorable.
  • The best window displays. If your store is located in a place where foot traffic is most, having a killer window display would be a game changer. Many customers especially women have impulse buying based on what they see. If you have an arranged and attractive window display, it will trigger a need that could have been forgotten and in turn create new customers. The window display should be a brief summary of your store, what it has to offer and the estimated value.
  • Put your best items upfront. In stores, If you want your business to succeed, there is nothing like saving the best for the last. The best should always be the first; this will give your customers a vivid picture that you are a person with great taste. The customers are attracted to quality things not necessarily quantity. By displaying your best items upfront in your store, you will attract a lot of traffic to your store that will increase your sales and business.
  • Put up some graffiti signs on your door window and wall. The signs could be for directions in the store and also as advertisement. You can use any kind of signs but graffiti signs especially with flashing led lights will do the trick. They are easy to install and you can get the best deal from professionals such as Humble Sign Co. Houston who work diligently to ensure you pass on the message and increase your store traffic flow.

Your creativity can flourish. Be imaginative and remember to pass on the intended message and make it fun.

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