4 Tips To Creating A Unique Web Design

A good web design is very important for your business. In today’s competitive world, setting up a functional, usable and polished business website is a prerequisite to building a successful online business platform and generating more value in the future. Web design can make or break your website. A custom-built and responsive-design website is what you need to keep your business winning.  

Here are 4 tips for creating a unique web design:

  1. Remove The Clutter From Your Homepage

Your website design should be simple, beautiful and captivating. Too many elements on your homepage can complicate your design and turn away potential customers. Do not display too many products or services on your homepage.

First impressions are the most lasting. You may have great products; but if they are not harmoniously displayed, customers might think twice before buying from you. Clear content, relevant keywords, and readability will clearly display professionalism. Do not use too many fonts, keep your homepage minimalistic and give your website users a pleasant viewing experience.

  1. Navigation Is Key

The secret to creating unique web design is navigation. Users want to find items easily and in seconds on landing on your website. It is important to create a navigation menu that allows users to quickly scroll down to the bottom or easily navigate to the blog page if they want to.

Good navigation not only improves ease of use but also helps search engines to index and rank your content and this greatly improves your viewer’s experience. When creating the navigation interface, remember to streamline the content so that the user experience does not change much on mobile.  

  1. Use The Right Images

The graphics and images you use on your website should match what your content is saying. All your product photos and images should be appropriate. You can also use icons as an alternative way to send the message across. Stay away from stocky and complicated animations as they only make your website unrealistic and your users might not relate to them.

It is advisable to use your own images that fit your vision. Ideally, you can work with photos of the real people you work with and the office itself. Remember; great images mean nothing if they do not agree with your design and context.

  1. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

More and more people are using their mobile devices to access the internet. This is why you need to create a mobile friendly website design. One important question to ask is; what will the users see when they access my site on mobile? Ensure that you optimize your site for easy interaction on a smartphone or tablet.

Check if the text is easy to read without squinting. The buttons and links should be easy to navigate and should also be large enough to allow for one finger tapping. Most users will not hesitate to move to another website if they find yours isn’t mobile friendly therefore ensure that you test out every page and button to avoid losing out to your competitors.


There you go; 4 tips to creating a unique web design. Want to learn more about web design? The Search Engine Journal (SEJ) team is educating and empowering people all over the world on the importance of website design. Subscribe to SEJ; get your weekly newsletter and be in the know on what’s new in the industry.  

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