Call Tracking and Why It Can Be Good for Your Business

You’ve put out ads for the product or service that your business is offering, and you may have thought that you’ve already covered just about every bit of information that your potential customers need to know. However, since you provided business phone numbers for those ads, you can’t escape the inevitability of any potential customer suddenly calling you to ask questions about the said product or service. Unfortunately, you may not be tracking any of your inbound calls, which can lead to several missed business opportunities. Now is probably the time that you employ a call tracking software for your business.

If you need further convincing as to why call tracking can be good for your business, here are some things to think about:

  1. Call tracking lets you get back to any potential and existing customers who called you after business hours.

As much as you might want to answer every phone call that your business receives, your operations might not be rolling 24/7 for budget reasons.

What if a potential customer called you to ask about a product or service that you’re offering at a time when your business is already closed for the day? Without call tracking, you won’t be able to get back to the said potential customer the next business day, thus losing your chance of gaining profit.

Call tracking allows you toeasily return any unanswered inbound calls immediately the day after.

  1. Call trackinglets you pinpoint which of your marketing campaigns isperforming well.

No business has ever relied on just a single advertising channel to spread the word about their products or services – at least initially. Your business is no exception. You may have put out at least a couple of ads for the product or service that you’re offering. One of those ads is on TV, while the other is on Facebook (of course, there are other advertising channels that businesses can use, such as newspaper, billboard, radio, Twitter, and Instagram). Without call tracking, you won’t be able to figure out which among your ads is raking in the most number of phone calls from potential customers. Worse, you might incorrectly guess that one of your ads is doing well and allot more budget to it, which might eventually be the reason for your business shutting down too early.

When you have calltracking installed, you can more accurately find out which among your ads is attracting the most number of potential customers. You can then refocus your budget in that one high-performing ad instead of blowing it all over one that’s doing poorly, thus saving you money.

  1. Call tracking lets you take in suggestions regarding possible expansion opportunities.

Your business might be currently limited to serving customers within a specific area. But what if someone heard about your business via word of mouth from somebody they know who lives within your area of operation? What if they want your business to have a branch in their area, too? With call tracking, you can take note of suggestions coming from people living outside of your current scope of business operations. You can then easily go back to these suggestions once you already have the budget for possible expansion.

  1. Call tracking lets you identify the exact keywords that led a potential customer to call about a product or service that your business is offering.

If you’ve put outat least one online ad for a product or service that your business is offering, potential customers might come across it after typing in a bunch of keywords on Google. With call tracking, you can easily find out the keywords that your potential customers used onGoogle when looking for a product or service that they want to avail of. It’s those keywords that you’ll then want to use more often for your future online ads to increase your chances of getting more customers.

  1. Call tracking lets you figure out which aspects of your customer service need some fixing.

When you have customer service employees that take in calls but don’t have any call tracking installed, you run the risk of tainting your business reputation because of a rogue agent of yours who is not pleasant to your callers.

By having call tracking installed, you can quickly address any issues that people calling your business may have against any of your customer service staff. You can then play back the recording of the conversation that went on between the offender and the caller so that the former would realize what he or sheneeds to change in the way they handle inbound calls to your business.

  1. Call tracking lets you identify how you can replicate any previous successes that your business has had in converting a potential customer into a buyer.

Each of us forgets thingsfrom time to time. What you wouldn’t want to forget at all is how your business had once successfully turned a potential customer into a frequent buyer of your products or services. With call tracking, you can study that successful transaction and identify the “selling points” or the “magic words” for your sales team to replicate.

Not many businesses answer incoming phone calls nowadays despite the fact that these calls can spell a huge difference between gaining a customer and losing one. After all, some people would want to know more about a product or service that a business is offering before buying it. However, even if your business takes every phone call, you’re missing out on a lot of useful data if you aren’t tracking your inbound calls. You’ll thus want to have call tracking set up by a trusted provider like Fone Dynamics after taking note of the above-listed reasons why it can be good for your business. You won’t regret spending money on having call tracking installed when your business becomes successful later on.

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