Cloud Control – 5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Move to the Cloud

The benefits of cloud-based systems continue to be recognizable, with more and more companies and mom-and-pop businesses looking to make the switch. However, if you’re yet to transition to this more seamless, effective, and advanced system, then maybe you need further convincing. Here’s why you should be making a move sooner rather than later.

Central Information Database

Imagine being able to access what every member of your team was working on, without sitting down at their computer? Rather than go from desk to desk, talking to your team, sending countless emails and asking questions, you can find out everything for yourself.

If you rely on cloud-based unified communications systems, your entire team can operate from a “cloud,” with all their work readily available for you to see. You can also collaborate with ease while drawing from a pool of information that’s essentially now in the palm of your hand.

Remote Access

More and more companies and businesses are providing opportunities for their staff to work from home, but did you know it’s a mixture of remote software and cloud-based systems that enable them to do so? If you haven’t yet incorporated cloud computing into your business, you will not understand how beneficial it can be. Imagine being able to offer your team a far better work-life balance, while potentially cutting costs at the same time.

Better Security

You might think that storing your sensitive information on a desktop makes it safer than having it floating around on the internet, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Top cloud-based systems suppliers use some of the best tech experts in the world, meaning your data is more secure than ever before.

Additionally, think about how many people lose their electronic devices with locally stored data. On London’s transport system, commuters lost 26,000 electronic devices in a one-year period. With this in mind, is it still safer to store your sensitive information on your desktop?


Remember when you had to wait for several hours for your IT staff to manually perform updates on every single computer in the building? With cloud computing, that would be a thing of the past. Most cloud-based applications update and refresh themselves in the background whenever necessary. Such is the convenience that those who made the switch to the cloud boasted using up to 50 percent fewer information technology resources. What’s more, your team no longer has to wait, which can increase your overall productivity.

Lower Business Costs

Cloud computing can end up saving your business a significant sum of money. While not every company has adopted the cloud system, many of those who do report that their cost savings are incredible – far exceeding what they thought they would be. The first saving is the reduction in hardware.

Rather than buy a big, cumbersome server and a place to house it, you are switching to an entirely internet-based system instead. Then, with that server goes the need for an in-house IT team. That alone can save thousands of dollars every year.

Furthermore, switching to cloud-based programs can show an increase in productivity, with your team spending more time working, and less time waiting for local programs to load.

There are so many ways in which cloud computing can transform your workplace. You spend less on information technology, give your team more freedom to work from home, and even benefit from better security as well. If you haven’t yet looked into cloud computing, then now might be the time.

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