What Happens If You Commit a Serious Driving Offence in the UK

Accidents happen quite often, as we all know. Sometimes, though, accidents have more consequences than you know. As such, there are many cases in which dangerous driving can leave permanent marks on your record. When you are charged with or accused of dangerous driving, what happens then?

Dangerous driving is a mass of various charges, including speeding, causing dangerous driving, causing injury, road rage and drink driving. Each of these charges vary in severity, but each one can leaves scars on your record and can end up with you in court. Other serious offences include driving without a licence, driving while using your mobile phone, and failure to give your identifying information.

So what should you do in these scenarios?

  1. Get a Legal Opinion

If you are charged with a serious driving offence, such as any of the above, your first step should be to get your situation looked at by a legal professional. For example, 2ndOpinionNow specialists have dealt with many dangeorus driving cases before, and they can help you understand what you are faced with as well as how to combat it.

If there is any chance that your charges are incorrect or can be fought, having a second opinion to support this claim can be incredibly beneficial to your case.

  1. Hire a Lawyer

If your case ends up in the courts, you will need a proper legal team to help you. Finding an solicitor who understands cases involving driving offences can be immensely helpful to your own case. You need a representative who understands how these cases work, how to combat the charges, and someone who understands your case to its fullest extent. No matter how large or small the charge, a proper solicitor can help to minimise the risk of losing your licence.

  1. Know Your Case and Your Rights

We all have legal rights in a court of law. Part of knowing these rights comes with the hiring of your solicitor, but part of it is also your own research. Know the kind of offence you are charged with, and seek out previous cases either online or from people close to you. Understanding possible outcomes and the general results of cases like your own can help you form a proper defence.

Furthermore, you have to understand your own case. Know the details of what you are charged with. If you were speeding, how fast were you going and how far was it above the legal limit? If you do not believe you were speeding, this can help you defend yourself. If you were charged with driving while using a mobile, but you were not, then you can talk with your lawyer about establishing proof. Understanding the details of your case will help you in your court proceedings, if it comes down to that.

  1. Understand the Consequences

In the end, depending on the severity of your offence, you may very well be charged and sentenced. From there, you should know how your sentencing will affect your driving in the future and your life as a whole. Smaller offences may mean points on your record or a temporary revocation of your licence. If you were in a car accident, you may be the one at fault, and you may need to pay for the damages.

Knowing the results of your case and what they mean for you is important. You can be prepared for the future, and you can understand the consequences of your actions, if indeed you were the one at fault and if indeed you committed a serious driving offence.


Understanding UK driving laws can prevent situations like these. However, should you find yourself charged with a serious driving offence, get a second legal opinion before you take any further action. Only a legal professional can truly guide you down the correct path, but hopefully, this will give you an idea of where to start.

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