What Your Customers Think About The Way You Market

When you’ve got a small business on your hands, it can often feel like the people you’re marketing towards are hiding away from you. Sure, they leave a review or two, but you have to put out constant reminders to even garner a basic result! And then you’ve got all kinds of advertising plans in the works, you’ve got a bit of market research constantly being turned over, and you’ve got articles like this to try and follow along with – there’s a lot of information out there, but rarely does it come from the customers themselves!

So to try and make sure your company is targeting the section of the market that has results for you, let’s take a look at some of the main things customers, and some big customer representatives, have to say about your marketing methods.

Clearly there’s a good marketing strategy here! (Image)

Read Through the Testimonials

This one sounds a little obvious, but there’s a lot of companies out there that simply don’t take a proper look at what their customers are saying about them. They see a four or five star rating and think their work is done, but your testimonials go so much deeper than that.

So you’re going to need top make sure you’ve got some content analysis going on at the same time. Just take a look at this review of Viderium, a UK based data-centre company for some practice. What patterns appear in these testimonials? What things have been left out? You want to apply both a positive and a negative viewpoint to any review that comes through your door, as targeting the source of your feedback makes sure you know what you’re doing right and what you need to work on, and that means you’ll have some good developments coming up for your company in the future.

See What Posts Stick

If you’ve got a social media account for your business, and you probably do, you need to be sure the content you’re posting is both regular and relevant to your customer base. And the one way to be sure of that is to see what responses you’re hit with – Are there many likes? Are there many ‘reacts’? Are there any comments you can sift through, with a dedicated social media manager responding to some of the best?

Be sure to regularly change your content schedule and your creation methods, as not everything is going to work for your market. Not to mention that there’s all different kinds of tastes out there, and on a broad scheme, you need to make sure you’re relevant to the majority of the customers who follow you. All in all, you’ll need many likes or comments before you stick with a certain post or video type!

Being able to find out what customers really think about you and your marketing strategies is a modern day privilege. So be sure to regularly investigate using methods like these, and to always have the customer in mind.

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