How to Pull Off Moving Your Entire Office

Ready to relocate your office? Whether you’re moving from one state to another or just moving to a different section of the city, moving is a big and important step. It not only can help you boost your business, but it could also be an essential part of keeping the business afloat.

There is a lot to take care of before, during, and after the moving process. If you are planning to make the next big step, don’t worry. This article has a bunch of tips and tricks to help you make moving your office a breeze.

Finding a Good Location

The most important tip to relocating is to find the perfect location. This is all determined by what type of business you run. Other factors include what audience you want to market to and where you will actually be successful.

Another factor that goes into relocating is the talent pool. You need to be aware of the different potential employees that are in the area that you want to relocate to. It makes no sense to move to a place where there’s no one for you to hire.

Remember, you don’t have to feel limited to staying in one place. You can move a long distance if you think that it will benefit your company. Some people add international shipping to their site, only to find they have a huge audience they hadn’t previously tapped into. Setting up overseas could genuinely work for your brand! Just make sure to look into shipping your office equipment overseas and whether this will be cost-effective or whether it’s better to sell up and rebuy once you’re in your new office!

What Are Your Requirements?

In order to determine this, sit down with your management team and determine what you actually need for the new space. It’s a good idea to break your requirements into separate lists.

One should list essentials, things that your business absolutely cannot function without. Another should list things that are highly preferred but not completely necessary. Lastly, you should have a wish list of what your dream office would look like. Don’t expect everything on the list to be available, but having dreams are important.

Hire a Broker

Now that you have a location and the requirements for the new office space, you can get started on actually finding a property. A broker is an individual who can help you find the property to match your dreams. They work as the go-between to a real estate agent, so you don’t have to complete all the boring paperwork yourself.


This is one of the most important tips. Creating a good budget that takes into account all the details is crucial. You can’t relocate if you don’t have the sufficient funds to pay for it.

You need to take into account the broker payment, the property values, and potential employee relocations. You should keep a cushion in the budget for things that come up as you are proceeding with the plans.


Now that the plans are in motion to move, you need to talk with your current employees and the stakeholders in your company. This will have a major impact on both parties.

For employees, if possible, you should offer compensation packages for moving. Also, discuss potential locations if you have not chosen one already. Someone might have an insight that you had not previously thought of.

As for the stakeholders, let them in on the process once you’ve decided a good location. Then you should prepare a PowerPoint that explains why the relocation is a good idea and how it will help the business in general.

Create a Timeline

It’s one thing to plan to move to a different location, it’s another to actually move there. Having a solid game plan that everyone in the team can reference will manifest the dream of moving.

Hire a Moving Company

When you’ve done the research and are ready for the actual move, it’s best to hire a moving company. If you’ve ever moved even a one-bedroom apartment or a house, you know how stressful that task can be. Now, imagine moving an office—the task is monumental.

The key here is to hire a moving company that specializes in moving offices. Offices come with numerous fragile—and valuable—objects like computers, safes, and other office equipment. Residential movers won’t always have the equipment or know-how to handle these items appropriately.

Another key component of hiring a moving company is to go for a local service. If you’re moving to Salt Lake City, for example, research companies based in that particular area. Local movers will be able to help coordinate your office move for the best time of day, and they will know what streets to take—and which to avoid—to make the whole process flow smoothly.

With all these tips in mind, you’re ready to pack up the office. Now get a move on it!

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