Standing at a Career Crossroads: 6 Signs the Company You are Applying for is a Good Fit

Many applicants forget that the job application process is as much about hiring managers and companies finding an employee that fits with the company as it is about the employee finding a company that matches its expectations.

The goal in finding employment should be a scenario where both parties are a good match. Otherwise, inevitably, one will end up disappointed. These are the six signs that you are applying to a company that fits your working style.

The Company Reviews Sound Appealing

Nowadays, in the era of online feedback, there is no shortage of places to find company reviews. Hush Company Reviews is a place where verified employees can leave feedback on their experiences working for that company. Here you can find the pros and cons of working for a company.

For example, a pro might be that the company gives a lot of autonomy and independence, however, a con might be a poor work life balance. Use these reviews to find out if the company pros and cons are in line with your own professional expectations and what you look for in a workplace.

The Interview Process was Well-Organized

Often, the interview process is the first glimpse of what life will be like working for that company. If the interview process was slow, drawn out, with limited communication and a plethora of unexpected delays and hiccups, chances are, the day-to-day life at the company could be the same.

It Sparked Your Curiosity

One sign that you are about to start working for a company that will ignite your passion is that you leave the interview with a desire to know more about the company. This can often happen if the interviewers are genuinely passionate about the company, its values, and the direction it is heading in. You leave wanting to understand more and eager to get your teeth stuck into the work it has to offer.

There was Evidence of Strong Working Relationships

Think back about everyone you’ve met in the interview process. How did they interact with each other? Were they cold and estranged or did they demonstrate warmth and close ties? If they were close, this could be a sign of strong working relationships within the company. A company culture that fosters strong working relationships is good for creativity, innovation and collaboration, leading to more exciting projects and a better working life.

The Office Area is Vibrant and Full of Life

Presumably, as part of the interview process, you got a tour of the office. If there was plenty of color, decorations, and evidence of employees’ home lives as well as personal achievements, this could be indicative that employees feel like they can be themselves at work, which is also indicative of a supporting and strong working culture.

The Company Invests in Personal Development

In the book, ‘Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go’, Beverly Kaye argues that a company with a truly outstanding working culture focuses on the professional development of their employees.

In the interview process, ask about potential career paths and opportunities to grow and progress within the company. If the hiring manager can give plenty of examples of individuals who started where you are and are still with the company, working their way up the ladder, this is likely indicative of a company that supports the growth of its employees and wants to see them do well.

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