5 Marketing Tips for Floral Designers and Other Creatives

The most successful florists understand the value of learning skills like revenue-driven marketing, customer base identification, quality product sales and unforgettable customer experiences. Florists who create consumer-based business practices also develop an industry reputation that leads to exponential business growth because of word-of-mouth. Here are five of the top marketing tips for floral designers and other creative types that deliver results.

1. Take Marketing Courses

Marketing is always changing because of technology. The fastest way to keep up with it is to take certification courses at academic institutions like iWeb Global Floral Design Institute so that you learn a variety of skills including floral design, business administration, marketing, technology and accounting. Not gaining this knowledge will take you years of on-the-job training to learn. It will also cause you to lose a lot in revenue and industry standing when your competitors have skills you do not.

2. Define Customer Demographics

If your business goals include starting your own floral shop, you will want to develop a personal floral style. Start by defining your local customer. What flowers do they prefer? What are the top-selling vases or accessories? These are the type of questions you need to ask so that you learn how to market to them. When you advertise, you will need to brand your business, which your personal floral style will play a huge role. Your design aesthetic will also set you apart from the competition, which is key when marketing.

3. Learn Your Local Market

What is in fashion today will be out-of-style tomorrow, which is why it is important to evaluate your local market to understand their needs. What are the top-selling times during the year? Do customers locally prefer live flower arrangements, greenery or silk floral décor. Is there a favorite artistic aesthetic, design or graphics the local market prefers? Most critically, how will you brand your business to offer them a unique experience. When you understand your local market, you gain a reputation quickly.

4. Build a Floral Website

Having a website is a vital step if you want to have a successful business. Thanks to the internet, a website allows you to tap into the $8 billion American florals earn. There is also another $34 billion in potential floriculture sales that is possible. Having a website allows you to market your business, promote sales and showcase your industry knowledge by creating content like educational material and how-to floral guides. It also allows you to engage with your customer base and prepare for future business ventures.

5. Develop a Portfolio

The easiest way to market your skills is by building a portfolio so that consumers see what you have to offer. You will use this portfolio to gain new customers, add graphics to your website, create email marketing campaigns and engage on social media.

Have you tried any of the marketing tips listed above? Do you use other marketing strategies to gain new customers? Learning about marketing will help you brand and grow your reputation.

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