Life Gives You Lemons – But Lemonade Tastes Sweet

Sometimes, things happen in life that aren’t ideal. That you didn’t exactly plan for. And that can really throw you off. This is definitely the case when it comes to your career. Because maybe you thought that you’d follow a certain path. Maybe you expected security and promotions and a big fancy career? So when you get fired or laid off or things change, it can be a huge shock to you. One that you would never have asked for. But, it happens. And when such a thing happens, you need to work with it and use it to your advantage. Yes, that is such a thing.

Because maybe you always wanted to start your own business or go freelance? And maybe you were scared to do it. But when you’ve been laid off, then the universe is giving you that opportunity to give it a go. If you’ve got a safety net of cash to live on for a while, or you’ve got accident at work compensation to go by, you’re good to get started. So let’s take a look at how you turn your lemon-like situation into a steady flow of sweet lemonade.

Decide What To Do

First of all, you need to decide what you’re going to do. Do you want to write? Design? Consult? Will it something that you have experience in? Or something completely new? Really think about what works for you and your lifestyle. Also factor in what your businesses expenses might be and what kind of rates you’ll charge. Then, you need to register yourself as a freelancer or entrepreneur, tax wise.

Set Up A Website

And then you need a website. You need to detail your experience, information about you, what you do. And have links to social profiles that yes, you then need to setup and start running too.

Get Work

But you may notice that you don’t have a portfolio. If you don’t, you need to build one. So do some work for free. Reach out. Pitch. Try to secure some clips that you can add to your website that you can then use to get more work from.

Pitch Like Crazy

And then, you need to start pitching. And you need to be comfortable with pitching. It can be tough, but you just get used to it. The more you send, the more successful pitches you’re going to make. It takes practice, but it’s never as daunting as you think it’s going to be. So just start. Ask for the work. Go out there and bang down doors. Do what you need to do to start making an income and generating the level of business you’re looking for.

Love Every Single Second Of It

Corporate life isn’t for everyone. Of course, some love it. Are addicted to it. Don’t know their identity without it. But it’s safe to say that being your own boss and being in charge of the money you make and your own future, is pretty sweet. Pretty sweet indeed. SO remember that. Be grateful for that. And love every single second of your new freelance life.

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