Scrappy Startups – How Small Business Can Harness Technology to Compete and Win

Yes, that new technology or software system your staff are requesting is pricey. However, today’s business technology isn’t about being trendy. When implemented correctly, tech can be THE tactic that pushes your profits beyond expectations through improved productivity, better time management and greater efficiency.

All these probably feature as goals on your business plan and tech can help you achieve them. So, isn’t it time you transition into the 21st century?

Streamline for Success

Cash flow is the lifeblood of your organization, so each dollar you save makes a difference. A common challenge for small businesses is finding competitive, affordable pricing to transport their goods, without wasting time that can be better spent elsewhere.

Investing in efficient logistics systems is crucial to the smooth functioning of your business. The best shipping software can provide real time costs, quickly locate the best carriers and provide access to networks utilized by the largest corporations. With much of the traditional shipping legwork automated, imagine what you and your staff can achieve with a few extra hours each day?

Motivate for Mobile

Another thing that will save you time is when you can cut down on meetings. Of course, it’s important to engage face to face with your team, but many tasks can happen online and result in higher efficiency even if you don’t talk with them personally. Management software is designed especially with this focus:

  • Share job tickets online so site workers can access it via their Smart Phones
  • Send and store documents on the platform so everyone has information on hand
  • Receive work updates from employees so you can report to clients

Using the right applications, it’s possible to get more done while using less effort.

Get Onto the Cloud

We mentioned software, and if you’re planning to use these tools it’s time to get onto the cloud. Firstly, it’s secure—Don’t let the fear of the unknown prevent you from optimizing results. The cloud carries various benefits:

  • Information becomes available to all team members even if they’re not connected to your local servers.
  • It’s a more cost-effective method for data storage.
  • Your data is secure since it can’t be destroyed even if something happens to your building or computers.
  • Information can be edited and in real time so all team members are looking at the most up-to-date information, drastically simplifying document version control

Upgrade Payment Options

One reason you must stay ahead of the trends is because your audience members do. Consumers get excited about new developments, and once they start using something they like, they expect service providers to follow suit. This is especially important for eCommerce stores but all small businesses should research their audience’s preferences. If you don’t offer payment options they prefer such as PayPal they could move to another vendor.

Improve Client Communication Without Using Valuable Time

Why go to all the trouble? Because you need to keep your clients smiling. While you focus on all the tactics above, your customers are waiting for interaction. Despite a tech-driven world they still appreciate personal attention rather than an impersonal, clinical feel.

Luckily technology can make it easy—without spending time on phone calls or employing more customer service workers there are numerous technologies that can boost your customer interactions, including:

  • Online chatbots
  • AI driven answering machines
  • Bigdata analysis to determine your audience’s most prominent needs

Technology sounds complicated but it simplifies your life. Stop wasting time and start automating for success.

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