Why Look At Cybersecurity Inside Out

60% of businesses tend to fail within half a year of a cyber attack, according to Inc – and their security posture contributes to the breach in the first place. With almost all vendors promising top-notch security from their products, most businesses end up trusting them instead of relying on their instincts. On the other hand, most might only look at cybersecurity from a checkbox point of view, aiming to tick off requirements from their compliance lists.

Sadly, this lack of insight into your cyber hygiene is a recipe for failure. Instead, you should look at cybersecurity inside out, aiming to know every detail that can easily damage your business and working to correct it. While it might need investing heavily in tools that can provide the visibility you need, the benefits of this approach cannot be gainsaid. Also, you can always reach out to a respectable cybersecurity company such as fraudwatchinternational.com for help.

Here is why this approach can be quite valuable:

Determine The Points Of Vulnerability

Employees are your first point of vulnerability, and fixing the loose ends can be pivotal at developing a strong security posture. Ideally, you should identify the segments that seem tough for them to secure. Also, test each segment through incidence response to confirm the suspicions.

Your employees should know who to call when a certain problem arises or who to forward a phishing email to. Through identifying the mentality of your staff, you can easily identify areas that you need to be more aggressive at protecting, and how to train them effectively.

Work With a Healthy Security ROI

It is never enough to invest in a cybersecurity tool if it doesn’t end up giving you the security you need. Other than wasting funds that could have been used better elsewhere, this also leaves you exposed to the harsh world of cyber threats. Luckily, looking at cybersecurity from an inside out approach will help determine the ROI of such tools.

You can easily assess the cost to benefit ratio of every tool that you have invested in. It also becomes quite easy to argue out why a more expensive tool will be more effective than the cheaper option to C-suite executives. The more protection you can get from a tool, the better your security posture.

Apply Risk-Based Decision-Making Processes

There is a thin line between compliance security requirements and the actual security level that you need. While compliance will typically set the baseline levels of security, the threat spectrum will vary from one business to another. As such, approaching security with a checklist mentality will never suffice.

IT leaders need to understand what threats pose the biggest challenge and how to circumvent them. You also need to layer tools in a tailor-made way for a healthy security posture. Such a risk-based approach can be wise when making critical security decisions to help diffuse security threats.

Pick Technologies to Keep and Those to Lose

Redundancy in security can hurt your business. You might end up investing in a tool that does borderline the same thing as another tool you have. On the flip side, you might also invest in tools that do not fit your business processes.

Looking at security from an inside out standpoint helps to pinpoint such subtle but costly errors. You can thus distinguish the poor working tools or those that provide the least value from those that are valuable. It will also become easier to upgrade the level of security you are currently subscribed to for certain tools to better your security posture.


The more you know your organization’s weaknesses and strengths, the easier it becomes to fight security loopholes. Luckily, an inside out approach helps to shed some light on your current security posture and promote better decision making. Put your company’s security under the microscope to identify benign threats before they can become damaging.

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