Tips that will Help you to Improve your Business Website

Improving your business website is very easy to do. In fact, a few simple changes are all you need to make in order to get your business back on track with a fresh design and a significant amount of traffic.


People are now using their mobile phones to browse the web instead of using their desktop computer. For this reason, it is so important that you make your site responsive. A responsive design will work wonders for your site and it will also significantly boost your SEO.  This will help you to rank higher in the SERPS and it will also increase the amount of trust that your customers have in you. If you need to get some more help with your site ranking, then it’s a good idea for you to look into an SEO agency.


You really do want your site to be as simple as possible. The last thing that you need is for your visitors to click away from your site just because they cannot get the hang of your navigation. A good rule of thumb is to have no more than 7 items on your site menu, and you should also try and be as descriptive as possible. If you do this, then you can increase the chances of your visitors staying on your site.

Improve your Page Speed

Website speed is often a well-discussed topic, especially in the world of marketing. It is also one of the main reasons why so many people click-off sites too. If your site has a two-second delay or more, then this will significantly reduce the chances of someone following through to your site. Your bounce rate will be high, and you may even lose customer trust as a result too. There are plenty of tools out there that you can use to try and improve your page speed, but ultimately, fewer images can sometimes be the way to go.

Make your Call to Action Clear

Having a call to action will really have a huge impact on your conversion rate. Believe it or not, the colour of the button can also make a difference. For example, an orange call to action can boost conversion rates by over 32.5%. Red buttons boost CTA by 21% too, so it’s worth exploring this to make sure that you are making the most out of your site’s potential.

Social Media

It’s safe to say that we live in a world that revolves around sharing. Social media has now essentially taken over the world and now there are 800 million users on Instagram and even on Twitter too. For this reason, it is so important that you put in the effort to install easy sharing buttons on your site. You also need to make sure that your customers can go from your social media page directly to your site. This can be a huge improvement and it can also help you to really take things to that next level in terms of your site and your business.

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